5 Benefits of Zakat for Education, What are They?

5 Benefits of Zakat for Education, What are They?

 Zakat distribution is not only carried out during Ramadan. The distribution of Zakat for the Education Path can also be done, and its benefits are to advance civilization in the next generation of education. In Islam, Zakat is not only given to those capable of cleaning their fortunes. In essence, Zakat can also be used to advance human civilization, one of which is in terms of education. The level of education in Indonesia is indeed very concerning. Many children from the lower middle class still need help obtaining a qualified education. This is what makes it difficult for many of them to get out of the cycle of poverty. In fact, they can feel many benefits of Zakat in the field of education.

Moreover, school students are also one of the parties who are entitled to receive Zakat (fi sabilillah). 

Check out the following review. 

Students of fi sabilillah can learn properly.

Often, we are surprised and discouraged by the condition of the school infrastructure occupied by rural and inland children. The state of buildings that are often not feasible is indeed one of the barriers so that they can get the full benefit of education. According to survey data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2021, damage to elementary school buildings reached 57.13%. Meanwhile, the damage caused to junior high school buildings reached 42.87%, and for high school buildings, it reached 42.96%. That’s where one of the benefits of Zakat for the field of education. That is, in terms of providing sufficient learning facilities. In this case, education zakat can be used to renovate school buildings to be more suitable to use—for example, the addition of air vents in individual classrooms. In addition, renovation of the school roof can also be done. So children can still study comfortably during even heavy rain. The addition of access to electricity can also make them able to learn more comfortably. 

#10Untuk10 Program 

“Comfortable Classroom, It’s Our Dream! (Punya Ruang Kelas Nyaman. It’s Our Dream!”)

That is what they say. The students who have to study in broken classrooms. 86% of the total 1,413,532 school rooms in Indonesia are damaged. These damaged classrooms range from light, moderate, and severe to totally damaged categories. During the pandemic, in the 2019-2020 school year, the damage to classrooms increased by 26% or about 250 thousand units. (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2021) Imagine this, decades of students and teachers teaching and learning in a crowded school building. One of them is in MI Nurul Huda, Palas Island Village, Tembilahan Hulu District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau. Floored, walled, and windows made of wooden boards are a close friend in studying. Comfortable schooling is an essential aspect for children to excel. Dompet Dhuafa, through the Millennial Bangun Sekolah (Millenials Build School) program, is trying to renovate teaching and learning facilities in remote parts of the country so that the next generation of the nation can utilize them well.

 #10untuk10 : 

Starting from 10k, you can help ten damaged schools in Indonesia

Students of fi sabilillah get more adequate learning facilities. In addition to building or renovating school buildings, this type of educational Zakat can also be used to provide other learning facilities. For example, the free provision of textbooks, books, and stationery. So, they become more enthusiastic about studying the material provided. Other facilities that can be improved include providing a library with a complete collection of educational books, laboratories with complete practicum equipment, and so on. Compensation for school uniforms and shoes can also be realized as proper distribution of educational Zakat.