A Smiling Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa Invites All People to Smile on its 31st Anniversary

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JAKARTA — Alhamdulillah, right on July 2, 2024, Dompet Dhuafa is 31 years old. In its journey, various good programs have been passed by Dompet Dhuafa with donors and beneficiaries.

At the 31st Milad this year, Dompet Dhuafa took a special theme “A Smiling Foundation”. Not just stringing vocabulary, there are many philosophical things from the theme, to describe the 31-year journey of Dompet Dhuafa.

Dian Mulyadi as Chairman of the 31st Anniversary of Dompet Dhuafa had the opportunity to describe the big theme in a brief interview on Friday (28/06/2024).

Why “A Smiling Foundation” and what does it mean?

Literally, “A Smiling Foundation” means an organization that always smiles. This is the institutional tagline, Dompet Dhuafa, A Smiling Foundation, Devotion Dignity. Dompet Dhuafa must be an institution that serves the community with dignity, always smiling in carrying out its activities to serve all stakeholders (mustahik, muzaki, muwakif, etc.).

What makes Dompet Dhuafa’s 31st Anniversary different from previous years?

This year’s milad is a simple tasyakuran, as well as a forum for sharing the philanthropreneur experience of practitioners for their work so far. In addition, there is tausiyah from the Chairman of the Sharia Council, and last but not least a reflection from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation. There was also keroncong music accompaniment typical of old Jakarta as an effort to participate in preserving national culture.

What activities are there in the peak series of Dompet Dhuafa’s 31st Anniversary?

Dompet Dhuafa’s 31st Anniversary this time we have prepared several activities which are a series of milad peaks, including Milad Tasyakuran, Culture and Empowerment FGDs, Kindness Tree Planting by the Chairperson of the YDDR Board of Trustees, Social Media Trending, Media Publications & Roadshows, Flag Raising Attractions by the DMC Team on the cliffs of Mount Parang, events with public figures, and the peak is the Launching of the Flagship Program at IKN in mid-August.

Is there a celebration of the 31st Anniversary of Dompet Dhuafa’s “A Smiling Foundation”? If so, what will it be like, when, and where?

This time, the celebration will be in the form of a tasyakuran held at the Philanthropy Building complex, Warung Jati Barat, South Jakarta, which can be watched live by friends of the branch in a hybrid manner and the Dompet Dhuafa TV YouTube channel.

For Mr. Dian Mulyadi personally, what is the most memorable experience while working with Dompet Dhuafa?

Quite diverse, one or two of them is the experience as a humanitarian volunteer who was deployed to the Egyptian border to help escort aid to survivors from Palestine. And what has just been experienced is being a Humanitarian Team to Vietnam for the construction of the Salamad Indonesia Mosque.

What are Dompet Dhuafa’s hopes at the age of 31 this year and into the future?

As an amil of Dompet Dhuafa, of course I hope that in the future Dompet Dhuafa will always be a trustworthy institution, uphold the principles according to the vision, mission, and work ethic of the institution, and continue to innovate so that it always brings fresh ideas. It is time for Dompet Dhuafa to build, transform based on the culture of the nation with noble character by giving birth to the best ideas as a model of the philanthropic movement towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.

During these 31 years, Dompet Dhuafa has touched more than 34 million beneficiaries. This happened thanks to its consistency in assisting the community and improving the welfare of the poor.

Zakat funds are managed by Dompet Dhuafa in a modern manner and prioritize the concept of compassion as the root of the philanthropic movement through five (5) program pillars, namely education, economy, health, social, and da’wah and culture. The five pillars are the main focus for developing the potential of community empowerment.

Dompet Dhuafa always strives to reduce poverty. To be able to overcome this problem, of course it cannot be done alone. It needs help from all levels to join hands, build collaboration, and act together to overcome the problems of inequality and inequality in this country. Thank you for your support and let’s strengthen collaboration to empower others. (Dompet Dhuafa)