YOGYAKARTA — Poverty still remains a thorny problem for the Indonesian people until now. The helplessness that hits the ‘bottom’ community becomes one of the factors that causes poverty to never be overcome. For this reason, as a humanitarian organization that also serves the welfare of the people, Dompet Dhuafa also strives to help our beloved country to unravel and solve these problems.
One of these efforts is realized in the Program Sentra Ternak (the Livestock Center Program), DD Farm, which aims to create jobs while creating livestock entrepreneurs, which will lead to increasing the economic ability of the community.
DD Farm runs by recruiting benefit recipients with mustahiq criteria to work in the pen for two years. Not only working, they are also given knowledge and training about animal husbandry. Furthermore, after two years, the benefit recipients will get capital in the form of a number of domba/kambing (sheep/goats) to apply their knowledge by running their own livestock business.
Also read: DD Farm Siapkan 8 Ribu Hewan untuk THK 1444 H, Jamin Sesuai Syariat Islam
Until 2023, DD Farm has been established in 12 points throughout Indonesia. One of them is in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), namely DD Farm Pundong located in Panjangrejo Village, Pundong District, Bantul Regency Yogyakarta. Just like other DD Farms, DD Farm Pundong also recruits the surrounding community who are then referred to as pen subordinates (ABK) to become workers and learn about animal husbandry there.
One of the benefits of DD Farm Pundong has been felt by Sudigda (51), a benefit recipient who became a pen subordinate there. Sudigda said that he also became a breeder who helped DD Farm Pundong grow.
“It’s been more than a year as a pen worker. I also participate in starting from the beginning here (DD Farm Pundong),” said Sudigda.
Also read: Kelola Kurban THK, DD Farm Ronting Jangkau 3963 KK Penerima Manfaat Di Dua Kabupaten
Prior to joining DD Farm Pundong, Sudigda worked as a farmer and cattle breeder. Income as a farmer was uncertain, because he had to wait for the harvest first. The same goes for cattle breeding.
“Farming and cattle breeding. If you farm here, it’s rainfed rice fields. Rice, crops, corn, peanuts, cucumbers. If you farm, you harvest at least once every four months,” explained Sudigda.
Even though he had been a cattle breeder, Sudigda admitted that he did not have the knowledge to care for and raise cows. But since joining DD Farm, little by little Sudigda began to have knowledge about how to breed livestock.
“Starting from recruitment, then becoming ABK (pen subordinates). I’m also provided with the foundation of animal husbandry.”
Also read: Berbekal Pengetahuan Otodidak, Penerima Manfaat DD Farm Ronting Berhasil Panen 2 Ton Bawang Merah
“It’s almost like a cow, but the villagers just know how to feed them, the time isn’t set, so it’s wasteful. After that, I get knowledge from here (DD Farm) to only feed the livestock in the morning and evening,” he said.
Furthermore, Sudigda also told about the ups and downs during his time as a breeder at DD Farm Pundong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. He also expressed his hopes for the future, after receiving training and knowledge of breeding livestock from DD Farm.
“It’s nice to be able to raise so many sheep, it’s already very joyful in my heart. The grief is due to lack of infrastructure, so sometimes it disrupts the supply of food. So it takes extra energy to drop the food,” said Sudigda.
“Hopefully, this can develop even better and continue to be useful for the surrounding environment and the wider community,” he concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa/Ronna)