Adab over Knowledge, the Relationship between Adab and Knowledge in Islam

Adab over knowledge is a familiar phrase to Muslims. It has also become a closely held tradition in Islamic scholarship. Adab and knowledge are two inseparable entities. Knowledge without adab is like a sword in the hands of an untrained person, which will hurt itself. Meanwhile, adab without knowledge is like a magnificent building without a foundation, fragile and easily collapsed.

Friends, for that, we need to know more about the relationship between manners and knowledge in Islam. As well as, revealing how important it is to practice adab and knowledge simultaneously so that we become kafah Muslims.

Adab on top of knowledge, what does it mean?

“O you who believe, when it is said to you, “Make room in the assembly”, make room, and Allah will make room for you. And when it is said: ‘Stand up,’ then stand up, and Allah will elevate those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by several degrees. And Allah knows best what you do.”

(QS. Al-Mujadalah: 11)

Through the above verse, Allah Swt explains implicitly about how important Muslims put adab above knowledge or in other words apply adab first and then knowledge. A person needs to obey the provisions or rules that apply in a place or condition as a form of adab or good manners.

The above verse exemplifies the provisions in an assembly. When someone attends an assembly, they should follow the rules that apply in the assembly. The rule implied in this verse is that those who attend the assembly, whether they arrive on time or late, must always maintain a good atmosphere, full of brotherhood, and mutual tolerance. For those who have arrived first, they should occupy the frontmost place, so that those who come later do not have to step over or disturb those who have arrived first. Meanwhile, for those who are late, they should be willing to accept the conditions, such as not getting a seat.

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This is what is meant by the Prophet’s saying: ‘Let no one tell his companion to get up from his seat and then sit there, but let them move and be spacious.’ (HR Muslim from Ibn ‘Umar)

At the end of the verse, Allah confirms that He will raise the status of those who believe, obey and submit to Him, and try to create an atmosphere of peace, security and tranquillity in society, which is part of adab. Then, He mentions those with knowledge. Those who use their knowledge to uphold the word of Allah, Allah will raise their status.

Based on the above verse, it can be understood that the people who have the highest degree in the sight of Allah are those who are civilised, and then knowledgeable. With a note, the knowledge is practised in accordance with the commands of Allah and the Messenger.

The Relationship between Manners and Knowledge in Islam

“Remember when your Lord said to the Angels: ‘Surely I want to make a caliph on the earth’. They said: ‘Why do you want to make on the earth one who will make mischief and shed blood, while we praise you and sanctify you?’ The Lord said: ‘Surely I know what you do not know’.”

(QS. Al-Baqarah: 30)

From the very beginning, Allah’s purpose in creating human beings was to be the khalifah or representative of Allah on earth. No wonder then that Allah gave human beings the advantage of reason, so that humans can think and learn knowledge. Demanding knowledge is obligatory for Muslims, and those who are knowledgeable are given many virtues by Allah.

However, Islam also teaches the importance of manners in the pursuit of knowledge. In acquiring knowledge, a student or scientist must also harmonise the knowledge he has with adab. Why? So that the knowledge gained does not make him a person who is arrogant, arrogant, and ujub for what has been achieved and owned.

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In this case, the function of adab for a knowledgeable person is as a boundary or fence in practicing his knowledge in everyday life. At the same time, as a guide to the essence and blessing of the knowledge he has. Adab is very important for a Muslim, even Imam Shafi’i once said: ‘Learning one chapter of adab is better than learning 70 chapters of knowledge’.

Adab is above knowledge, the higher position of adab than knowledge in Islam is reflected in many narrations and advice from scholars. Imam al-Ghazali, for example, emphasised the importance of manners in his book Ihya Ulumuddin. He also explained that knowledge without adab is like a fire without firewood, with no benefit.

From an Islamic perspective, adab is the actualisation of one’s knowledge. Because, adab and knowledge are interconnected. Knowledgeable people will not be considered knowledgeable if they do not have good manners. Friends, that is the discussion of the meaning of adab above knowledge. May Allah always bless us and make it easy for us to have good manners. Aamiinn… *RQA