ADEXCO Disaster Industrial Exhibition: DMC Dompet Dhuafa Resonance Disaster Resilient Response Area


JAKARTA — Dompet Dhuafa’s Disaster Management Center (DMC) supported and succeeded the Disaster Industrial Exhibition held by the Asia Disaster Management and Civil Protection Conference & Expo (ADEXCO) at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta, on March 2-3, 2023.

This exhibition was held to increase awareness and insight into all elements of society regarding the importance of using technology in reducing risks and handling disasters.

“The role of industry, science, and technology is important in disaster risk reduction efforts to realize a disaster-resilient Indonesia and sustainable resilience,” said Andrian Cader, Adexco’s Director of Operations, on the Instagram account.

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DMC Dompet Dhuafa at the ADEXCO Disaster Industrial Exhibition.

On the second day of the exhibition, DMC Dompet Dhuafa also had the opportunity to introduce risk reduction and disaster management programs such as Emergency Response, Post-Disaster Recovery, Disaster Resilient Response Area (KTTB), and Disaster Training Education.

In addition, DMC Dompet Dhuafa also had the opportunity to fill in the Disaster Resilient Area (KTTB) program seminar guided by the Community Resilience and Advocacy (CRA) Team of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, namely Desi Edian Sari as a resource person and Abdul Aziz as moderator.

For information, DMC Dompet Dhuafa is currently building Disaster Resilient Response Areas (KTTB) in four points of Indonesia. The four points include Pacitan Regency, precisely in Sidomulyo Village, Ciliwung, Gunungkidul Regency Yogyakarta, and Kaliurang Village.

Abdul Aziz as moderator in the Seminar on the Disaster Resilient Response Area Program (KTTB) at ADEXCO 2023.

Through KTTB, DMC Dompet Dhuafa has increased the capacity of the community in mitigating and adapting to climate change, regional disaster management advocacy programs and emergency response, recovery, and preparedness programs such as resilient families, resilient education, resilient economy, resilient houses of worship, resilient health facilities and resilient local government.

“We strive to continuously improve the quality of services in Community Resilience & Advocacy programs, namely through the six pillars of Disaster Resilience as the Main Indicator, including Resilient Families, Resilient Education, Resilient Economy, Resilient Houses of Worship, Resilient Health Facilities, and Resilient Local Government. We made the six pillars as an Integrated Program called a Disaster Response and Resilience Area,” concluded Ahmad Baihaki, Manager of CRA DMC Dompet Dhuafa.

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DMC Dompet Dhuafa at the ADEXCO Disaster Industrial Exhibition.

In Pacitan Regency, DMC Dompet Dhuafa planted 2000 mangrove tree seedlings and built a seawall with a pile of boulder stones on the shoreline as protection against beach damage.

In Ciliwung, DMC Dompet Dhuafa involves the community in the Development of the Ciliwung (Educational touring) Eduwisata Design Concept, capacity building in Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation-Mitigation, providing seedlings and tree planting, procuring Base Support Infrastructure (Piers, MCK, Saung and Terraces), and supporting Programs in the Community (Ciliwung Festival and other activities).

In Gunungkidul Regency, particularly in Macan Mati Hamlet, Kadisobo Hamlet in Girimulyo Village, and Gagan Hamlet in Pengkol Village, DMC built drilled wells because a few years ago, Gunungkidul experienced a shortage of water and only relied on tank water from government assistance and other institutions.

 While in Kaliurang, DMC installed 28 warning signs and evacuation route maps for people in Jrakah Hamlet and Cepagan Hamlet, Kaliurang Village, Srumbung District, Magelang.

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DMC Dompet Dhuafa at the ADEXCO Disaster Industrial Exhibition.

With the support and assistance of the community, DMC Dompet Dhuafa will maximize KTTB in risk reduction and disaster management in disaster-prone points of Indonesia.

“We open collaborative (collaboration-action) opportunities for interested parties to join this kindness movement in each KTTB-assisted area. For now, existing KTTBs include KTTB Ciliwung (DKI Jakarta), KTTB Kaliurang (Magelang), KTTB Gunung Kidul (DIY), KTTB Sidomulyo (Pacitan), KTTB Pronojiwo (Lumajang), KTTB Sigi (Central Sulawesi), KTTB Medana (KLU),” concluded Desi Edian Sari as CRA DMC Dompet Dhuafa Staff, Friday (03/03/2023).

Let’s join DMC Dompet Dhuafa in the disaster management movement. Through DMC Siaga Bencana, we hope that “Good Friend” (Kawan Baik) can participate in kindness when reaping disaster management actions. It’s time for Indonesia to be empowered to face disasters because the earth is the only one. (AMR/DMC Dompet Dhuafa)