Adolescent Reproductive Health Education Through Aksi Cerdas Bergaul (Smart Sociable Action) Programs

BANDUNG — Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Barat together with its volunteer forum, Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV) West Java, carried out Aksi Cerdas Bergaul (Smart Sociable Action), namely reproductive health education and adolescent studies in various educational environments. This action occurred during the week (22-25 February 2023), targeting 1,699 students and students in 17 schools / Islamic boarding schools. Some of them are SMAN 1 Tasikmalaya, SMK Wirakarya 1 Ciparay, Pondok Pesantren Abu Bakar As-Shidiq, MTs Al Washliyah Cirebon.

The event is packaged in a persuasive and interactive concept to invite teenagers to learn about the biological development experienced and the threats that often lurk in adolescents, such as free sex, LGBT, and juvenile delinquency.

“This activity is a preventive health action where we carry out roadshows to schools and Islamic boarding schools in 7 city districts to provide adolescent reproductive health education and as an effort to suppress adolescent prostitution problems such as juvenile delinquency, free sex and LGBT,” said Andriansyah as Branch Leader of Dompet Dhuafa West Java.

Some reasons for holding this activity are motivated by the phenomenon of youth marriage dispensation that has emerged in public and has been widely discussed. Data released by the Religious Court recorded 8,607 applications for marriage dispensation in West Java. The high rate of marriage dispensation is triggered by the incidence of Unwanted Pregnancy or Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan (KTD) in young women.

Adolescence (10-19 years) transitions from childhood to adulthood. In the process towards maturity, adolescents undergo many physical, psychical, and social developments. Adolescence is also called the period of trial and error, a period of psychological exploration to find self-identity and recognition of the group.

In the current era of globalization, teenagers have an easier time accessing content unsuitable for their age. Parenting and lack of parental supervision and assistance to children are also reasons for the high number of adolescent pregnancies.

Supervision of adolescents not only requires the role of parents and teachers but the private sector is also expected to take a role by providing positive activities to adolescents.

“Thank you to Dompet Dhuafa for visiting Al Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School. This activity was first held at the Al Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School and we appreciate the activities initiated by young people. Hopefully, the students here will be able to absorb all the knowledge conveyed and avoid promiscuity,” said Ustadz Dede Wahyudin as a teacher at the Al Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School.

Dompet Dhuafa West Java collaborates with many communities in this movement. Among them are West Java Volunteer Doctors, Mobile Midwives, Kindness Collaborators, Kompass Kindness, Tasikmalaya Rice Infaq Movement, Indonesian Rice Infaq Association (PIBI Tasikmalaya) and Shaleh Charity Troops. (Dompet Dhuafa/West Java)