Ahead of Hari Raya, PT Atomy Indonesia Group Distributes 300 Food Packages for the Poor

Paket Sembako untuk dhuafa

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Victory for Muslims around the world is almost here. It is Eid al-Fitr 1445 AH, a day that is eagerly awaited. But unfortunately, not all Muslims are able to live it with sufficiency, or even lack of basic necessities. Considering the condition of the community, PT Atomy Indonesia Group – a South Korean company in the field of supplements and cosmetics, together with Dompet Dhuafa, paid serious attention to them by distributing 300 food packages to residents in need.

On Friday (5/4/2024), the distribution of 30 food packages was first carried out at the Al-Madinah Mosque in Madina Zone, Kemang, Bogor. Then the rest will be given door to door to mosques and houses of poor people around the Zona Madina waqf asset area by the Dompet Dhuafa Madina Zone Team.

Distribution of groceries to the poor around the Zona Madina area, Kemang, Bogor.

Head of the Investment and Waqf Development Institute (LPIW), Prima Hadi Putra, expressed his gratitude to PT Atomy Indonesia Group for trusting Dompet Dhuafa to manage the Rp100 million donation. For the recipients, the benefits of the food packages will not run out as long as they can be utilized properly.

Read also: Collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa, Momabae Indonesia Distributes Basic Food Packages to Kapuk Residents

“Not a single leaf falls to Earth without Allah’s permission, as well as the beneficiaries who are here today to receive basic food packages. Hopefully the presence of Mr. and Mrs. today can help prosper this mosque. We hope that today’s beneficiaries will become beneficiaries one day,” said Prima.

Head of LPIW, Prima Hadi Putra delivered his remarks during the PT Atomy Indonesia Group’s food distribution session at Al-Madinah Mosque in Madina Zone, Kemang, Bogor.
The symbolic handover of food distribution from PT Atomy Indonesia to Dompet Dhuafa on Friday (5/4/2024).

Marketing Manager of PT Atomy Indonesia Group, Razif Azmar, said that his company has been collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa since 2018. On this occasion, his party again donated a portion of its business profits in the form of food packages.

“Coinciding with the holy month of Ramadan and approaching Hari Raya, we want to share part of our company’s profits. This time we prepared 300 food packages,” said Razif.

Read also: Innovation of Zakat Distribution and Empowerment, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung Launches Dapur Keliling (DARLING)

Handover and distribution of groceries to poor people around the Zona Madina area, Kemang, Bogor.
One of the beneficiaries works as an online motorcycle taxi driver.
The beneficiaries of the groceries are pictured with the PT Atomy Indonesia Group and Dompet Dhuafa teams at Al-Madinah Mosque.

One of the beneficiaries of the food packages, Mrs. Sami (47), said that she spends her days taking care of her two grandchildren as well as praying and reciting the Quran at Al-Madinah Mosque. She plans to use the food packages to fulfill the basic needs of her two grandchildren during Eid.

“At home I take care of my two grandchildren, the father is gone, the mother is the backbone of the family. Of course this (basic food) is very helpful for us, especially this is to prepare for Eid,” he said emotionally. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text & Photo: Hany Fatihah Ahmad
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna