MALANG, EAST JAVA – The economy of Tawangsari Village, Pujon, Malang, has gradually been growing along with the increasing population in this highland area. Previously, Tawangsari Village was somewhat neglected. This growth seems to have coincided with the establishment of Bumi Maringi Peni (BMP), a Dompet Dhuafa empowerment area, offering various holistic programs through economic empowerment, education, health, preaching, and cultural activities.
One of these economic programs in this integrated area involves empowering local residents through the cultivation of aloe vera plants. These plants are processed into a fresh drink named ‘SUEGEERRR,’ with the initiative led by Ali Hamdan, a 39-year-old ustaz. This program is an effort to productively implement zakat funds.
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The aloe vera empowerment program began at the start of 2022 and was officially launched in April 2022. Aloe vera was chosen for empowerment due to the success of a similar program previously run in Yogyakarta. Malang, known for its tourist area with a variety of food and drink products, presents a good market potential. Additionally, fresh aloe vera-based drinks were not yet widely available in Malang.
“This land was previously an apple orchard with about 1000 apple trees. After about 3 years of research, we realized the apple trees were not productive, and their prices were decreasing amid many competitors. Inspired by Dompet Dhuafa’s economic program in Yogyakarta involving aloe vera, we decided to convert this orchard into an aloe vera farm,” Hamdan narrated.
On that Wednesday afternoon (23/8/2023), three women were seen processing fresh aloe vera drinks at BMP. These women are benefit recipients of the empowerment program, working together efficiently under Hamdan’s guidance.
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While continuing to assist these women, Hamdan explained that the aloe vera plant is particularly interesting to him as it can be used as a fresh drink alternative to nata de coco, with a largely untapped market in Malang. The absence of other producers of this product means there is still a very wide open market.
“There are indeed many producers of fresh fruit juice in Malang, even flourishing. However, after surveying around, we are the only ones in Malang making fresh drink products from aloe vera,” he explained.
The aloe vera farm at BMP currently spans approximately 1000 square meters, divided into four garden plots. The leaf stalks’ fleshy part can be harvested 8-12 months after planting, with the oldest stalks at the bottom being harvested first.
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After several harvests, the aloe vera stem will become taller. When it gets too tall, it is cut down to the lowest stalk level and replanted to form new roots, while the old stem and roots are discarded. This method resembles stem cutting propagation. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)
Read the next part . . . please Minuman SUEGEERRR ALOEVERA HASIL PEMBERDAYAAN ZAKAT PRODUKTIF (Bagian Dua)