Aloevera SUEGEERRR Drink, a Result of Productive Zakat Empowerment (Part Two)

Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera

MALANG, EAST JAVA – The aloevera planting system leading to the production of the SUEGEERRR beverage in Pujon, Malang, follows a similar model to that implemented by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta. It was Hamdan who applied this model and then developed it along with three female benefit recipients of economic empowerment from productive zakat.

These three benefit recipients are residents from around the Bumi Maringi Peni (BMP) Area. They were selected through a fair recruitment process, involving the entire village community through the village head and local RT/RW (neighborhood) leaders.

Initially, many residents were enthusiastic about participating in the program. Approximately 25 participants, mostly housewives or women who stayed at home, were selected for training. The training activities were directly mentored by Alan Effendi, an aloevera empowerment expert at Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta.

Baca juga: Penjelasan Lengkap Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Adalah Solusi Permasalahan Sosial

Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera
Process of cooking nata de aloevera
Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera
Process of processing aloe vera into packaged fresh drinks
Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera
Process of packaging nata de aloe vera into plastic glass containers

“They registered, attended the training for making fresh aloevera drinks. Out of all the participants, we felt that five were suitable to continue and join the advanced empowerment program,” continued Hamdan.

Out of these five, two teams were formed: the first consisting of three individuals producing the SUEGEERRR product, while the remaining two worked from their own homes. However, the primary ingredient, the aloevera plant, was supplied by BMP.

Hana (21), who was cutting aloevera into small blocks, shared her interest in joining the program because she was unemployed at the time, seeking activities outside of just helping with household chores.

Baca juga: Dompet Dhuafa Launching Pilantrokopi, Coffee Shop di Padang Berbasis Pemberdayaan Dana Filantropi

Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera
Process of packaging nata de aloe vera into plastic glass containers
Pemberdayaan zakat produktif dompet dhuafa - aloevera
Hana in front of the SUEGEERRR production house

“I dropped out of school. So, I had nothing to do at home and couldn’t find a job. So I joined the aloevera drink making training. Alhamdulillah, I’m still here now,” she said.

Currently, in addition to producing SUEGEERRR, Hana is also participating in a sewing training program conducted by the Institut Kemandirian (IK) Dompet Dhuafa at BMP. Her strong motivation for personal growth leads her to enthusiastically participate in any training activities offered by Dompet Dhuafa at BMP. She also participated in the Guru Hebat Program held by BMP for Quran teacher certification using the Ummi method, from which she successfully graduated.

Hana expressed her enjoyment in visiting BMP daily, engaging in various activities such as making aloevera drinks, attending sewing training, and participating in Quran studies in the afternoon. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)

Read the next part . . . please Minuman SUEGEERRR Aloevera, Hasil Pemberdayaan Zakat Produktif (Bagian Tiga)