CIPUTAT, SOUTH TANGERANG – The rapid development in big cities such as the Jabodetabek area makes the availability of land less and the need for green open space increasingly urgent.
Therefore, Alsyukro Universal Islamic Junior High School (SMP Islam Alsyukro Universal), a provincial-level adiwiyata school, makes its institution a Green Scool. Alsyukro Universal Islamic Junior High School carried out this action to support the government in building public awareness and concern for restoring forest and land resources.
It is known that Alsyukro Universal Islamic Junior High School has vacant land in a limited area. This land is also used by teachers, students, and all levels of Alsyukro Universal Islamic Junior High School by opening up green open space and making it agricultural land.
Also Read: Peduli Ketahanan Pangan, Dompet Dhuafa Jawa Timur Berikan Edukasi Tentang Pertanian Organik
“One of the activities that the Alsyukro Universal Islamic Junior High School students have been waiting for at school is the harvest of vegetables.”
“Vegetable farming activities in the school environment with a school land area of 2.75 hectares become a routine activity for students every year.”
“Starting from loosening the soil, sowing seeds, planting, caring, harvesting to marketing these vegetables to school residents and the surrounding community,” said Director of Al Syukro Islamic College Dompet Dhuafa, Cici Kurniasih, Thursday (12/1/2023).
This farming activity is a school program to foster students’ concern for the environment and develop farming skills.
Apart from being a consumption, the vegetables grown also have economic power. That way, the students’ entrepreneurial spirit in this school can also be formed gradually. With the use of available land, it is hoped that students will also apply it in their home environments.
“This year, a variety of vegetables are grown by students, ranging from corn, spinach, kale to bok choy.”
“They sell the produce from these farms to buy new seeds and add to the cost of other learning media.”
“The harvest of vegetables produced is quite abundant, for bok choy alone, it can produce more than 200 bunches per season that have just been harvested today,” said Cici. (Dompet Dhuafa/Alsyukro Universal)