CIANJUR, WEST JAVA — The magnitude 5.6 earthquake that shook Cianjur on November 21, 2022, has devastated residents’ homes. There were 13,633 houses heavily damaged, 16,059 moderately damaged, and 26,856 lightly damaged houses. Meanwhile, 114,683 people were displaced, 602 died, and 593 were seriously injured.
For this incident, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) of Dompet Dhuafa also carried out various emergency response-recovery services that have been running since the earthquake shook Cianjur on November 21, 2022, until February 09, 2023. Because it has entered the recovery phase, Dompet Dhuafa is now intensifying its post-earthquake recovery program in Cianjur.
Through the title “Bantos Cianjur Pulih: Make Up a Smile, Lose Poignancy”, DMC Dompet Dhuafa invites the community to collaborate in a recovery program for residents affected by the Cianjur Earthquake in a Press Conference on Thursday (09/02/2023).
“In order to meet the needs of the community, Dompet Dhuafa distributes aid from contributors and works tirelessly to do so. Cianjur will have assistance from Dompet Dhuafa by the end of 2023 “Yayat Supriatna, the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation’s secretary, announced this in his speech.
Also Read: Kuatkan Perempuan Penyintas Gempa Cianjur, DMC Gelar Trauma Healing: Perempuan Dukung Perempuan
As is well known, the Cianjur people have lost every aspect of their existence due to the earthquake. Everything is twisted, including the cultural, educational, and daily life spheres. Dompet Dhuafa continues to offer the best assistance in managing and locating survivors harmed by the Cianjur Earthquake because of this.
“The tectonics of Indonesia, namely the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, cause Indonesia to be prone to earthquakes. The confluence of the plates causes faults, including faults in Cianjur,” said Dr. Muzli, Acting Head of the Center for Engineering Seismology, Potential Geophysics, and Time Signature of BMKG.
Through Dompet Dhuafa’s network emergency response units under the command of DMC, such as the Respons Darurat Kesehatan (RDK) Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma (LKC), Dai Tanggap Darurat Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa), Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat (LPM), dan Respons Darurat Pendidikan (RDP) Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI), Dompet Dhuafa invites all communities and stakeholders to rebuild Cianjur to recover from the earthquake disaster downturn.
“Today’s Press Conference aims to be an effort to be transparent in detail about what has been collected properly and appropriately. Dompet Dhuafa ensures that after the earthquake Cianjur can recover in all sectors, such as education, health, and others,” said Etika Setiawanti, Director of ZISWAF Dompet Dhuafa Collection.
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In the Recovery phase, DMC Dompet Dhuafa has built 11 MCK facilities, four Emergency Musalas, and three Semi-Permanent Musalas. The distribution of locations in the Cugenang District, Warungkondang District, and Pacet District.
“The recovery period passed is very long, at least three months. The recovery stage is hoped that Dompet Dhuafa will be one of the NGOs that still cares about the people of Cianjur,” explained Budhi Rahayu Toyib, Regional Assistant II for The Economy and Development of the Cianjur Regency Government.
In addition, there is also a temporary house construction program in collaboration with Islamic Relief which includes; 83 temporary houses, 21 MCK, 23 wells, 5600 Cash Voucher Assistance, and 540 Cash for Work with details of 500 thousand / person.
“Islamic Relief assistance is more in logistics, while Dompet Dhuafa is in all sectors. There are still hundreds of people sleeping in tents, the government has tried hard, but many obstacles must be faced, such as the status of the land, and others. Islamic Relief fills the gap. The sample house that has been built is in the Cijedil area,” said Nanang S. Dirja as Chief Executive Officer of the Islamic Relief Indonesia Foundation.
Also Read: BPKH Bersama Dompet Dhuafa Bagikan Bantuan Kitchen Kit Bagi Penyintas Gempa Cianjur
Now, Dompet Dhuafa is preparing recovery programs, including:
Residential Sector
DMC Dompet Dhuafa targets the construction of 100 temporary residences, Huntara Bumi Endah Dompet Dhuafa (Bunga), with recycled houses and earthquake-resistant schools. The plan is for 100 Flower Villages to be established in two locations in Cugenang District: Pangkalan Village, Benjot Village, and Sarampad Village, Sarampad Village.
“The Bunga Shelter uses materials reused by involving the community and carpentry training in 10 groups. In about 1-3 months,” explained Haryo Mojopahit, Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
DMC Dompet Dhuafa carries Huntara Bunga or Bumi Endah Dompet Dhuafa with the concept of recycle house, which is to build a Huntara with material from house debris. Of course, it is also supplemented by new building materials. Huntara Bunga itself consists of two bedrooms, one living room and a terrace house with an area of 7×5 square meters.
“The category of damage to houses due to disasters refers to the Regulation of the Minister of PUPR No. 29 of 2018 concerning Technical Standards for Minimum Services for Public Works and Public Housing or Guidelines for the Implementation of Post-disaster Needs Assessment,” explained BNPB.
Before building the huntara, DMC Dompet Dhuafa will form a community group consisting of 10 heads of families. Once formed, DMC Dompet Dhuafa will share about the development of the building with the concept of a recycled house, ranging from size, materials to architecture and the cultivation of the spirit of empowerment. When the group has been formed, and the recycled house has been socialized, the community will work together to build a community for each group member.
“It’s great to have gotten the huntara from Dompet Dhuafa. Before I was in huntara I had about four days living in a tent until the tarpaulin was snatched,” admitted Agu Halahudin, one of the beneficiaries of the Huntara Bunga pilot.
All infrastructure programs have considered geographical conditions that make it safe and convenient for survivors.
Education Sector
Dompet Dhuafa will continue to assist the CERIA (Smart Literacy, Cheerful, and Safe) School Program, which will be centered in Cibulakan Village, Cugenang District. It is hoped that this program will be an inspirational model for other schools outside Cibulakan Village. The target schools to be modeled are SDN Kawunggading and SDN Giriharja.
Social Services Sector
A. Orphan Survivor Assistance Program
The orphan survivor assistance program is an orphan family assistance program that uses two patterns of assistance, namely education cost assistance for orphans of Cianjur Earthquake survivors who are experiencing economic difficulties and food assistance for orphan families who have difficulty in meeting food needs by partnering with local grocery / staple food stalls as food suppliers.
There are 100 target beneficiaries of orphan survivor assistance programs spread across the following regions:
- Talaga Village, Cugenang Distrct
- Mangunkertan Village, Cugenang Distrct
- Cibulakan Village, Cugenang Distrct
- Manglad RT 02 RW 02 Sukawangi Village Warungkondang District
B. Survivor Family Nutrition Package Assistance Program
The Survivor Family Nutrition Package Assistance Program is a nutritional assistance program provided to families consisting of the elderly, pregnant women, babies, and malnourished children. This nutrition package assistance contains basic necessities and health supplements such as vitamins.
The target beneficiaries of this orphan survivor assistance program are 200 beneficiaries spread across the following regions:
- Desa Talaga, Kecamatan Cugenang
- Desa Mangunkerta, Kec. Cugenang
- Desa Cibulakan, Kec. Cigeunang
- Kp. Manglad RT 02 RW 02 Desa Sukawangi Kec. Warungkondang
Da’wah Sector
Dompet Dhuafa will run a Da’wah Service Program consisting of:
- Activating 10 PBM Gembira Cordofa Cianjur
- Organizing Akbar tabligh together with national dai to provide spiritual support to Cianjur residents
- Providing online spiritual consultation services to residents, especially students assisted by PBM Gembira Cordofa
- Health Sector
Health Sector
Dompet Dhuafa will run health service programs that will be implemented in Cibulakan Village, Cugenang District, with a program duration of 6 months, starting from February to July 2023, as follows:
- Healthcare
- Action on Healthcare
- Screening and monitoring of NCDs
- Posyandu Revitalization
- Assistance for Pregnant Women with high risk
- Healthy gymnastics
- Toddler assistance
- Posyandu equipment support
- Provision of Medical Devices
- Posyandu building renovation
- Refresh cadre training
- Feeding Toddlers or Pemberian Makan Balita Anak (PMBA)
- Health Promotion
- Create Educational media
- Extension
- Resilient Seniors
- Plenary Assessment of Geriatric Patients (P3G)
- Elderly Assistance
- Health Event
- Healthy Toddler Contest
- Mass Circumcision
In addition, hundreds of aid packages such as kitchen kits, food packages and ready-to-eat meals, school packages, as well as hygiene and baby kits have been distributed by DMC Dompet Dhuafa in collaboration with donors and Kawan Baik.
On Wednesday (8/2/2023), DMC Dompet Dhuafa carried out various services. Starting from SAR-Evacuation services, Health Services (Medical, Nutrition Corner, Barzah Start-up, Clean is Healthy, and Massage Therapy), Displacement Services (Mobile Kitchens, Soup Kitchens, and Distribution), Logistics Services (Food and Non-Food Logistics Distribution), Psychosocial Support Services (Psychological First Aid, Joyful Learning Centers, and Cheerful Parks), and Early Recovery Services (MCK, Musala, and Huntara) with a total of 80,325 beneficiaries. (Dompet Dhuafa/AFP)