BANDUNG, LEMBANG – Dompet Dhuafa invited 21 contributors and kindness partners to visit the economic empowerment program. Alright, Desa Tani is located in Cibodas village, Lembang, West Bandung Regency. The care visit activity was held for 2 days from Tuesday-Wednesday (24-25/1/2023).
Tani Village is one of Dompet Dhuafa’s economic empowerment programs with efforts to alleviate poverty through the development of vegetable farming. Farmers from poor communities are empowered to manage agricultural land with mentoring schemes.
The vegetable-based agricultural empowerment area is one of the efforts to manage ZISWAF funds from Dompet Dhuafa. For two days, donors and kindness partners were invited to see Tani Village’s management firsthand. Before visiting Tani Village, they were also invited to enjoy the beauty and splendour of the Al Jabbar Mosque on Jl. Cimencrang, Gedebage, Bandung City, Tuesday (24/1/2022).
On the second day, Wednesday (25/12022), the cool air erupted when the donors arrived at the 10-hectare land, a green land filled with fresh vegetables as far as the eye could see. There was clearly explained the development of Tani Village from its establishment in 2018 until now, with 50 beneficiaries. Donors and kindness partners are invited to see firsthand how millennial farmers are by utilizing Smart Farming technology.
“Then we apply agricultural technology here, one of them is a greenhouse, one of the agricultural technologies we apply in Tani Village. We use the Internet of Things smart farming (IoT) technology. Here, the watering has been using a smartphone, so it can be automated, scheduled to water and give fertilizer, it can also be done manually,” said Andriansyah, Head of Dompet Dhuafa West Java Branch.
Furthermore, according to Andriansyah, Care Visit aims to invite donors and kindness partners to get to know the beneficiaries and the programs, especially in economic empowerment.
It didn’t stop there, the participants were amazed by the technological advances owned by the Dompet Dhuafa Farmer Village, even with this system, the level of productivity was more than conventional agriculture. According to the Farmer Village Program Assistant, Ade Rukmana, in the future, Tani Village will implement AGRO EDUFARM which hopefully can be a place for education as well as empowerment in agriculture that can invite the younger generation to take part in advancing agriculture, especially in Tani Village.
Also Read: Merasakan Pengalaman Menjadi Petani Melalui Care Visit Fun Farming Dompet Dhuafa
Empowered in Tanah Sendiri is a prayer and enthusiasm for farmers and with the support of donors, Tani Village continues to grow rapidly. From the beginning, it only worked on 1.2 hectares of land. Now each farmer works on about 2,250 square meters of land in Tani Village. It was realized because of the collaboration of many parties, including the Baitulmal BRI Foundation, PLN, Pertamina, Prudential and so on.
“Alhamdulillah, in this place now, it is not just agriculture, we have done integrated farming, starting from processing land, providing seeds, cultivation, SOP, what kind of packaging until we have done distribution to the city,” added the man who is familiarly called Mang Ade.
After the participants listened to the presentation about Tani Village, they were invited to tour 10 hectares of land to see firsthand the open field that farmers, seedling houses, packaging houses, greenhouses and conventional agricultural land were planting. Even the participants were invited to harvest various vegetables such as cauliflower, lettuce, beets, broccoli, onions and many more whose crops can be brought home.
Although the drizzle was drenched that afternoon, the donors and partners were still enthusiastic and eager to harvest vegetables. Participants are divided into 4 groups that will go around to 4 points in Tani Village, after finishing harvesting, the participants go to the packaging house to pack vegetables and take them home. They also looked cheerful and full of joy showing off their crops.
“It’s really exciting because the first time you can feel it directly, it feels like gardening in Lembang and you also meet partners from other Dompet Dhuafa and Dompet Dhuafa donors. It turned out to be larger than expected (Tani Village). Alhamdulillah, we want to build a mosque too, the place is perfect, even though it rains, the weather is icy, but we just have fun, because it’s going around together,” explained Karin, partnership to Dguafa Wallet. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)