Collaborating with Kemenkes and Basarnas, Dompet Dhuafa Dispatches Humanitarian Volunteers to Türkiye

TURKIYE — The devastating impact of the earthquake has made the response even more extra in the Türkiye and Syria region. The need for volunteers, both medical and evacuation teams continues to be needed. A number of countries also provided humanitarian assistance to respond to the humanitarian crisis, including Indonesia. Through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and Basarnas, Indonesia will fly the team to the areas affected by the Gempa Turkiye (Turkey-Syria earthquakes). This step also brought Dompet Dhuafa to participate in it, deploying its humanitarian volunteers.

Since the coordination was opened, Dompet Dhuafa immediately registered its volunteers in Gempa Turkiye (the Turkiye Earthquake) response section. Since Wednesday (8/2/2023) night, two Dompet Dhuafa doctors have entered the dormitory for departure briefing under the coordination of the Ministry of Health. The two doctors are dr. Zainab Aqila and dr. Rosmalia. They have entered the Emergency Medical Team (EMT) departure manifest of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Also read: Upaya Dompet Dhuafa Respons Cepat Gempa Turkiye, Relawan DMC Tiba di Lokasi

Tim Medis Dompet Dhuafa untuk respon Gempa Bumi Türkiye-Suriah.
Two Dompet Dhuafa volunteer doctors who will leave for the Türkiye earthquake response under the coordination of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Not only that, Dompet Dhuafa will also fly a team of volunteers in several batches. After entering the Ministry of Health’s EMT manifest, there will then be dr. Syarief, Sp.B., Narwan, and Dedi Fadlil who will be the covering team for Dompet Dhuafa volunteers for the Turkiye Earthquake response. The covering team will continue the departure under the coordination of the Basarnas of the Republic of Indonesia.

“This step is our effort at Dompet Dhuafa to respond to the humanitarian tragedy in Turkiye and its surroundings. This becomes our first step in collaborating with the government as the control holder of international response policy.”

“In the beginning, we have deployed volunteers for needs assessment who are currently starting to be active there (Turkiye), then we send two doctors who are members of the EMT of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, to strengthen the initial phase of response, we dispatch three volunteers under coordination of Basarnas,” explained Prima Hadi Putra, as Director of Communication and Technology of Dompet Dhuafa.

Also read: Dulu Belajar Kedokteran di Türkiye, Aqila Kini Jadi Tim Penanganan Medis Dompet Dhuafa

Türkiye condition after the earthquake occurred.

Putra also added that since the news of the Turkiye Earthquake spread to the public, Dompet Dhuafa immediately activated the volunteer network and opened a donation collection channel. So that it can immediately determine steps in responding to the earthquake that hit Turkiye and its surroundings.

“The information we got there is that it is in the middle of winter until -2 to -7 degrees Celsius, so we need the right steps to send aid. So that the aid that is provided in the form of logistical supplies can be utilized by the earthquake survivors there. In syaa Allah, tomorrow (Thursday, 9/2/2023), we will release the departure of the humanitarian volunteer team for the Turkiye Earthquake. Please pray and support, dear all Indonesian people,” concluded Putra.

Türkiye and Syria’s sadness thrilled the world. Now is the time to together help the casualties of the Turkey-Syria earthquakes. Channel your goodness through

(Dompet Dhuafa/Taufan YN)