BOGOR, WEST JAVA – On the green grass of the Gunung Bunder camping ground, Pamijahan, Bogor, Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji led the closing ceremony of the grand training entitled “Simpul KolaborAksi Jaringan” held by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) and Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV). Even though it was raining on Sunday (22/12/2024) afternoon, the Director of Dompet Dhuafa’s Indonesian Community Resource Foundation (YSMI) still stood and uncovered the meaning of disaster mitigation from a spiritual perspective.
Yes, Indonesia is a “market” for disasters (natural events). Disaster mitigation is nothing new. Ust. Shonhaji on his occasion said that disaster preparedness and mitigation had actually been inspired by Allah through the Qur’an in the values of the sirah (stories) of the Prophets. Although the times and technology are different, the principles applied are still very relevant today.
“Like the great flood that hit the people of Noah, it was a dramatic event. Through early warning and careful preparation, a large ark was built with cooperation and mutual cooperation. Directions, evacuation plans, preparing emergency equipment, and protecting the environment. Also with the long drought in the story of the Prophet Joseph. From a prediction and observation of nature, preparations were made in storing food reserves, managing resources, and establishing a strong government system, “said Ust. Shonhaji.
“By learning from history and applying modern technology, we can be better prepared for disasters and build resilient communities. Hopefully this training can build effective communication in the midst of any field conditions that occur,” he added.
Read also: The wisdom behind natural disasters in Islam, Muslims must know!
Taking place since Friday (20/12/2024), the enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers and MPZ (Zakat Management Partners) along with Dompet Dhuafa Branch Managers throughout Indonesia and abroad continued to peak until the end of the training. The event was also the culmination of a series of Rakernas (National Work Meeting) “Leader Summit 2024” for Dompet Dhuafa Branch Managers on December 16, 2024 previously.
Debriefing after debriefing was given to the participants. Starting from material related to leadership, resources, communication, to management in disasters given. The portion of the first and second days, 70% theory and 30% practice, while the second and third days, the portion is more practice. The disaster simulation took place “suddenly” at 02.00 WIB in the morning when the participants were still asleep. Then from 08.00 WIB until noon, participants had the opportunity to train vertical and water rescue.
At the closing of the training, Dompet Dhuafa through DMC and DDV also ratified the National Disaster Management Protocol. The protocol was signed by Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Executive Board – represented by Dian Mulyadi as Deputy Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa, Arif Rahmadi Haryono as GM Response and Advocacy of Dompet Dhuafa, Bobby P. Manullang as GM Network Development of Dompet Dhuafa, and Shofa Qudus as Head of DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
“As part of our commitment to humanity, DMC Dompet Dhuafa strives to continue to develop and improve this protocol in order to provide appropriate and effective assistance to those in need, as well as encourage awareness and preparedness at the community level,” said Shofa Qudus after the signing of the DMC Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Protocol.
Read aslo: Dompet Dhuafa Leader Summit 2024: Interpreting Superior Philanthropy
By emphasizing the importance of preparation, rapid response, effective recovery, and proactive mitigation, Dompet Dhuafa DMC seeks to strengthen community resilience and reduce the impact of disasters on vulnerable populations. In this protocol, the scale of the disaster is determined based on a rapid assessment conducted by the DMC / Dompet Dhuafa Branch / Partners / Volunteers within 1×24 hours after the disaster.
The rapid assessment is obtained based on initial information that can be obtained from volunteers, news from the mass media, and the declaration of disaster status by the government. The scale of the disaster is determined based on several agreed parameters.
Present at the training was the Director of Preparedness of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Pangarso Suryotomo. He advised all disaster management volunteers, “DMC volunteers are quite existent. It is extraordinary the development of volunteers and institutions in Indonesia. This year the disaster trend receded compared to 2023. However, the number affected has increased and many are unexpected. Hydrological disasters, megathrust threats, and mountain (eruptions)”.
“What I am proud of with the DMC is that it always collaborates, does not work alone. DMC also strengthens the community. Hopefully, when you return, you will become a mouthpiece for the strength of your respective regions,” he added.
Mahmud Afandi, Head of the Resource Section of the Jakarta SAR Office, also said the same thing, that the meeting and joint training as well as the ratification of the disaster management protocol was a good thing.
“In the field, we need collaboration, both between NGOs and other governments. With this, we can collaborate better in handling disasters in the future,” he said.
Read aslo: The Other Side of the World of Volunteering: Softening the Heart, Bringing Kindness to Life
Chairman of the Indonesian Disaster Management Volunteers (PBI) Squad, Subur Rojinawi, said that PBI Squad was formed because of volunteer solidarity since the momentum of the Aceh tsunami in 2004 and was officially formed in April 2017.
“Why do you want to volunteer? Be proud to volunteer because it is very useful. But remember, volunteering is for yourself, for the community, and for the institution. Keep the good name of the institution,” said Subur. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Dhika Prabowo, Fajar
Editor: Dedi Fadlil