Jakarta – A question arises, what if we masbuk (joining prayer late) in the prayer of the corpse? For example, do we find priests in the first, second, and third takbir (raising both hands for opening prayer.)
Reporting from an article on the https://cordofa.id/masbuk-ketika-shalat-jenazah/ page uploaded on Monday (13/2/2023), Cordofa (Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa) conveyed the procedure or kaifiyah (something worthy of being an answer to the question of how) prayer of corpses for masbuk (prayer late joiners).
This information, writes Cordofa, is extracted from the book of Al-Bayan Fi Madzhab Al-Imam As-Shafi’i compiled by Al Imam Abul Husain Yahya Ibn Abil Khair Ibn Salim Al-Imrani As-Shafi’I Al-Yamani Juz 3 p. 71 as follows:[1]
If the makmum, prayer member, is in the middle of the first imam’s takbir (his takbir is not together with the imam), then the masbuk must read the surah of Al-Fatihah.
So, what if the reading of Al-Fatihah still needs to be finished while the imam has taken the second takbir? In this condition, the makmum must stop his unfinished Fatihah and follow the second takbir.
Whether the masbuk makmum continues the unfinished reading of Al-Fatihah in the first takbir or not? In this case, there are two opinions. The first opinion of makmum earlier continues the rest of Alfatihah’s unfinished reading on the first takbir. While the second opinion states, there is no need to continue (makmum reads shalawat over the prophet like the imam’s reading on the second takbir).
If makbuk makmum starts takbir when the imam has the second, third and so on, then makmum reads according to the reading on the takbir he did (not necessarily read according to the imam’s takbir).
For example, he starts takbir when the imam has the second prayer, so he reads the surah Al-Fatihah while the imam then reads the sholawat. And so on until the imam says the prayer’s closing phrases. After that, he continues the takbir that he has left behind. Wallahu A’lam. (Dompet Dhuafa / Cordofa / Dhika)
[1] Yahya Ibn Abil Khair As-Syafi’I, Al-Bayan Fi Madzhab Al-Imam As-Syafi’I, (Beirut: Dar Al-Minhaj, 1421 H), Juz 3, hlm. 71