Dai Ambassador’s Da’wah Journey, Crossing the South Korean Sea Coast with Albatross

Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa penugasan Korea Selatan, Ustaz Ihya Ulumudin

SOUTH KOREA — The sea of South Korea with its sparkling and stunning natural beauty is a silent witness to the da’wah journey of Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador, Ustaz Ihya Ulumudin. Along the coast, Ustaz Ihya not only found a vast ocean, but also met one of the rare creatures that captivated his heart, the Albatross.

‘The sea of South Korea is not only a beautiful backdrop for this da’wah journey, but also offers incredible natural wonders. From stunning bays to rugged coastlines, the marine biodiversity is incredible, all creating a stunning stage for my da’wah mission,’ said Ustaz Ihya to Dompet Dhuafa.

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Travelling along this coast, the preacher not only witnesses the greatness of nature, but also feels the urgency of da’wah amidst the splendour of God’s creation. Every wave of the sea and every breeze that blows is a reminder of their responsibility to convey the message of Islam to all of His creation.

However, amongst the beauty of South Korea’s seas, there is an unexpected presence: the Albatross. With its majestic wings and vast horizon, the Albatross hovers above the ocean, a silent witness to the spiritual journey of the Dompet Dhuafa Dai Ambassador assigned to South Korea. This bird has a deep symbolic meaning in many cultures. It is often regarded as a messenger and guide. Its presence along the journey is a sign that their mission of da’wah is blessed by the sky and the sea.

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Under the blue sky and amongst the tantalising waves, Ustaz Ihya delivers the messages of Islam to whoever he meets. Be it tourists gazing at the sea in awe, or locals living by the beach. Every encounter is an opportunity to share love, peace, and a deep understanding of the religion. With humility and wisdom, the preacher builds bridges between cultures and faiths, bringing the light of peace and salvation (Islam) to the remote corners of South Korea’s ocean coast.

The Dai Ambassador’s da’wah journey in the South Korean Sea is a blend of natural beauty and spiritual depth. In the glittering waves and the mystery of the Albatross, they found a deep calling to spread the message of love and peace. On that beautiful sea coast, da’wah is not just about words, but also about presence and deeds. And amongst the infinite horizons, the preacher found that every small step on this journey brought him closer to Him.

Ustaz Ihya Ulumudin, Dompet Dhuafa Ambassador 2024