CENTRAL JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa Central Java sent assistance in the form of worship equipment for the congregation of Musala Dzin Nuuroyn, Karangsalam Village RT 01 / RW 03, Kec. Susukan, Kab. Banjarnegara, on Saturday (01/28/2023).
Dompet Dhuafa Central Java Branch Manager, Sadam Bustomi said, from the results of the assessment that had been carried out previously, the availability of mukena in this musala was very limited. It was rarely used by worshipers because of its shabby condition. Moreover, the sarong. There is only one box of prayer equipment in this musala, and there is no sarong in it. There are only mukena and several prayer mats.
Mrs. Septiana, a religious activist at Musala Dzin Nuuroyn, said that this place of worship was built in 2017 by a donor from a foundation in Jakarta. Yes, the majority of people’s livelihoods are only as farmers, of course it would be a shame if they had to build a place of worship without outside assistance. They are already very grateful for that. The existence of a musala in their area makes them no longer need to go far to carry out congregational prayers and other religious activities even though it only measures 7×8 M².
He then thanked Dompet Dhuafa for providing assistance with worship equipment for Musala Dzin Nuuroyn. “Hopefully it can be useful and a blessing for all,” he said.
Good friends, donations that have been entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa have reached people in need. Dompet Dhuafa Central Java also expressed thousands of thanks to all good friends.
“Hopefully, what you have contributed will become a jariah reward that continues to flow for yourself, your family, and your loved ones. Aamin,” explained Sadam. (Dompet Dhuafa/Jateng)