DMC Introduces Disaster Response Area Program on PRB Month Stage

EAST KALIMANTAN — Dompet Dhuafa’s Disaster Management Center (DMC) introduced the Disaster Response Area at the 2022 Disaster Risk Reduction (Pengurangan Risiko Bencana/PRB) Month Commemoration event. This event took place at the Balikpapan Sport and Convention Center (BSCC), Sepinggan, South Balikpapan, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, for three days, starting from Wednesday (12/10/2022) to Friday (14/10/2022).

In a series of talk shows entitled “Resilience Stage: The Importance of the Key Actors Roles in the Dynamics of Disaster Resilient Area Development in KRB III Merapi and Ciliwung Riverbank (Panggung Resiliensi: Pentingnya Peran Aktor Kunci dalam Dinamika Pengembangan Kawasan Tangguh Bencana di KRB III Merapi dan DAS Ciliwung)” on Wednesday (12/10/2022), 

DMC Dompet Dhuafa invited Santoso from the Magelang Pawira Community, Central Java, and Ahmad Maulana (Lantur) from Padepokan Ciliwung Condet East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, to talk on stage. Both are partners in Dompet Dhuafa’s DMC Disaster Response Area program in increasing the capacity of community-based disaster risk reduction in eruption and flash flood disaster risk areas. 

“With the help of our local community partners, we are jointly building resilient areas and responding to natural disasters. From increasing emergency response capacity, post management, advocacy needs to making emergency evacuation signs and mapping community evacuation routes,” explained Haryo Mojopahit as Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, reporting from BSCC.

The 2022 PRB Month event was symbolically opened with a ribbon cutting


Head of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, Haryo Mojopahit, having a dialogue with BNPB’s Director of Readiness, Pangarso Suryotomo

For people interested in participating in a talk show with DMC Dompet Dhuafa, visit the following link to register for and confirm to the 081278298197 number (Desi). Then go to the Zoom link  and enter the password: tangguh. The public can also watch the stream on Youtube by visiting the following link:

The DMC Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Response Area (KTB) is located in Kaliurang Village, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency. Kaliurang Village is included in the Disaster Prone Area (Kawasan Rawan Bencan/KRB) III area. KRB III is an area often hit by hot clouds, lava flows, volcanic bombs, toxic gases, and rockfalls (incandescent). In this area, anyone is not recommended to make a permanent residence and use the area for commercial purposes. Meanwhile, Dompet Dhuafa’s intervention in the Ciliwung River area is a cross-divisional collaboration incorporated in Dompet Dhuafa. Currently, DMC Dompet Dhuafa is assisting in the renovation of the base, Terrace Trab, and MCK sanitation facilities in Saung Bambon Riverside (Srengseng Sawah), KPC Kedung Sahong (Lenteng Agung), Ciwilung Muara Bersama – CMB (Tanjung Barat), Padepokan Ciliwung Condet – PCC (Balekambang), and Kometa (Balekambang). 


Head of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, Haryo Mojopahit, on the talk show


DMC Dompet Dhuafa opens humanitarian booth in PRB Month 2022 

Through this talk show, DMC Dompet Dhuafa also opened a collaboration in disaster risk reduction programs in Magelang and the Ciliwung Riverbank area. 

Balikpapan Mayor Rahmad Masud, in his opening remarks for the PRB Month, said that this event was held to strengthen the community’s commitment from the government and civil and NGOs to disaster risk reduction. “We hope that the commemoration of the 2022 DRR month will be able to strengthen the understanding of the government, business institutions, and the community towards PRB activities as an investment in resilience. At the same time, building mutual awareness, dialogue, and networks between PRB actors can be used as a place for joint learning for disaster actors,” Rahmad’s written remarks read by Zulkulfi as 1st  Assistant for Governance of the Balikpapan City Regional Secretariat, (12/10/2022). 

BNPB Deputy for Prevention Prasinta Dewi also added the importance of a disaster risk reduction perspective in disaster management. According to her, “Disasters are closely related to sustainable development where sustainable development must be able to ensure survival through the preservation of good ecosystem functions and capabilities by not damaging the environment. This is in line with the principle of disaster management in minimizing the number of victims and economic losses and environmental damage.” (Dompet Dhuafa / DMC / Fajar)