JAKARTA –In this era of Industrial Revolution 5.0, we face challenges that encourage innovation in automation, super computers, robots, artificial intelligence, flexibility of work patterns, and genetic modification which have proven to bring changes in various fields. Growing with the challenges of the times, Dompet Dhuafa introduced its latest innovation in the digital world, namely the Dompet Dhuafa Application or “DD Apps” on Tuesday (20/2/2024), at Liberta Hotel Blok M, South Jakarta.
Through applications available on Android and iOS platforms to facilitate services for the community, Dompet Dhuafa complements its seriousness in the world of technology, as a support for the performance of managing Ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf) in empowering underprivileged and poor communities. Since 2011, Dompet Dhuafa has produced this application, which is now developed to show concern for digital transformation.
Etika Setiawanti, Dompet Dhuafa’s Executive Secretary, revealed that during the pandemic, everyone, including Dompet Dhuafa’s donors, began to switch to digital platforms. In fact, donors who during the last two to three years used to visit counters, cash offices, branch offices, or Dompet Dhuafa headquarters, during the pandemic yesterday, they practically changed their habits, making all transactions through digital channels.
“Automatically Dompet Dhuafa must be able to adapt to work with all partners who can support our services in digital channels. Alhamdulillah, thanks to the support of the community, we can increase the performance of digital channel donation transactions to 35 percent of the total contribution of Dompet Dhuafa’s annual collection,” said Etika.
In 2023, Dompet Dhuafa sees an 80 percent surge in total transactions, with digital contributing 42 percent of all channels. This trend is driven primarily by millennials and Gen Z, who utilize digital channels with 90 percent of transactions centered there.
“This phenomenon creates staggering opportunities. We continue to be excited to develop DD Apps, with the hope of engaging more donors from Gen Z. This is what sparks all of us at Dompet Dhuafa, to continue to strive to develop all digital channels,” continued Etika.
Alhamdulillah, currently there are 5 thousand downloaders, with transactions generated almost Rp2 billion. The Dompet Dhuafa application itself provides two main features, namely the Donation and Worship features.
“This application is filled with information, and what makes it different is that other general applications are just platforms. But in us, because we are a zakat and humanitarian organization, this application is a tool that makes it easier. But, we do implement the programs ourselves. So from all the collection, after we collect it, we report it and we report it to the programs that we have managed,” explained Etika.
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Senior Officer Digital Fundraising Dompet Dhuafa, Adi Kurniawan said, there are two main features in this application, namely the Donation feature and the Worship feature. In the Donation feature, users can channel kindness funds that not only include infaq, but also alms, zakat, waqf, special funds for humanity, to pay or installments for sacrificial animals because there are various kindness features in one application.
As for the Worship feature, “DD Apps” provides Prayer Schedule, Al-Qur’an equipped with audio, Zakat Calculator to calculate the amount of zakat that must be paid, Zakat Pickup so there is no need to go outside the house, to the Ask Ustaz menu that will connect directly with the ustaz to consult about religion, especially Ziswaf.
In addition, “DD Apps” is also working with one of the fintechs, Dana, to develop a regular donation feature. In recent years, regular donations to Sedekah Subuh have been quite popular in the community. This feature will make it easier for donors to be able to donate regularly anytime and anywhere. In fact, users can easily set when to donate.
“Now, when there is a routine almsgiving, we can set it up before going to bed, or maybe when we are working after payday, we set up daily morning alms of IDR 10,000 auto debit with the Dana balance, then we activate the collaboration with Dana and activate the donation feature,” said Adi.
Read also: Dompet Dhuafa App: Simplifying Good Deeds
Not only the donation feature, “DD Apps” also presents every campaign that is being run by Dompet Dhuafa, program activities, Care Visit agenda, Sharing Leave, Event features, donors can also find out information related to visits to Dompet Dhuafa program locations to see Dompet Dhuafa program activities. In addition, for the accountability and transparency process, you can see the Public Report Feature, as well as volunteer activities.
“When making a donation and there will be updates from our team, the Dompet Dhuafa Team, the notification will go directly through the application and email, so you don’t have to worry. With this system, we will provide reports according to the donation, we will continue to update you on your donation, we will continue to send it regularly,” Adi continued.
Director of PT Ozip Teknologi Nusantata, Martin Adiyono said that thanks to the digital transformation carried out by Dompet Dhuafa, previous donor data from previous years will appear on the application.
“The Dompet Dhuafa application is actually like the spearhead of the digital transformation process from Dompet Dhuafa. From that digital transformation we collect all data about donations from donors. We try to efficiently design applications that are fast, but can still handle massive transactions. In DD Apps, all donor data is integrated,” said Martin.
One of the online media, Droidlime, represented by Romi, appreciated the ease of donating through an application.
“I give five stars. Alhamdulillah and congratulations for the Dompet Dhuafa Application, the internet user is comfortable and easy to use. The menu choices and features are also complete, very helpful in facilitating the needs of the community in donating,” said Romi. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and Photo: Anndini Dwi Putri
Editor : Dhika Prabowo