Dompet Dhuafa & DMC Holds Training, Providing Disaster Preparedness Journalists


BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa held a “Jurnalis Siaga Bencana” training on Friday (12/16/2022) at Camp Sisi Cai, Caringin, Bogor, West Java. The event, which was held by Dompet Dhuafa in collaboration with the Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC), was attended by 30 participants. They consist of mass media journalists and bloggers.

The DMC Dompet Dhuafa team provided basic water and vertical rescue training in this two-day event. In addition, the participants also practised how to control an inflatable boat by walking the rapids on the Cisadane River.

Shofa Qudus, General Manager of DMC Dompet Dhuafa Program, said that this activity was held to train the ability of journalists so that when reporting at the disaster site, they remain safe and do not become victims.

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The speaker is equipping the participants of the Disaster Preparedness Journalists with vertical rescue material.

“As journalists who are also the frontline in reporting disasters, DMC Dompet Dhuafa intends to increase their capacity in disaster preparedness for journalists. Because journalists can understand and understand vertical and water rescue measures when reporting at disaster sites,” Shofa said.

The same thing was also said by Ahmad Lukman, Manager of Humanitarian Academy DMC Dompet Dhuafa.

“(It aims) to increase the capacity of journalists in disaster preparedness and increase education related to the intricacies in disaster procedures both vertically and in water,” he explained.

It is known that from the beginning of 2022 to December 4, 2022, there were 3318 natural disaster events in Indonesia. According to National Disaster Management Agency data, West Java has the most natural disasters, 775 events. At the same time, the second and third positions are occupied by Central Java and East Java with a number of disasters with 457 and 380 incidents, respectively.

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One of the participants of the Disaster Preparedness Journalist was trying to become a victim who was moved from the disaster site to a safer place.

With so many disasters occurring, journalists also need to equip themselves with basic disaster knowledge so that they do not become victims of the disasters they cover themselves.

On the first day, the participants got a theory about vertical rescue. This is a technique for evacuating disaster objects, both goods and people, from low points to higher points or vice versa, on steep terrain. Not only theory participants also directly practised the techniques taught on the banks of the Cisadane River.

Meanwhile, on the second day, participants were taught how to rescue or evacuate drowning and drifting victims. This technique is known as water rescue. This training was then followed by the practice of walking down the Cisadane River which has several rapids. Several participants also felt how to drown in the river due to the rapid current and quite extreme terrain.

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Participants are practicing Water Rescue materials on the Cisadane River.

“It’s exciting, get a lot of knowledge. I’ve tried climbing ones before. When assigned (covering) disasters (I) already know and already have provisions (experience). So if you rescue the victim, you already know and can get to know the tools,” said Inggar from Ayo Media, one of the training participants.

Amalina, one of the participants in the “Disaster Preparedness Journalist” (Jurnalis Siaga Bencana) training also admitted that this training helped her. Amalina said that by attending this training, she became more aware of how to protect herself and evacuate victims at the disaster site. (Dompet Dhuafa/Ronna)