Dompet Dhuafa Holds Facilitator Training for Nutrition Post, Healthy Area, and Madaya Area

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

SOUTH TANGERANG, BANTEN — Dompet Dhuafa through the Free Health Service or Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) organ held a Facilitator Training for the Nutrition Post Program, Healthy Area Program, and Madaya Area Program, for six days from July 20-25, 2023. Located at the Ballroom of Citra Dream Hotel South Tangerang, this training carries the theme “No One Left Behind” and contains material on exposure, discussion, and planning practices with a focus on preventing malnutrition and stunting.

A total of 30 LKC health worker participants from 9 provinces (Aceh, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Banten, West Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, and South Sulawesi), as well as health workers from Puskesmas as well as village midwives, were present for the preparation stage for the facilitator training for the Nutrition Post and Healthy Areas Program.

That morning, Thursday (20/7/2023), training was opened by embedding the training participant cards of the Nutrition Post, Healthy Areas and Madaya Areas by drg. Martina Tirtasari as Head of LKC Dompet Dhuafa Pusat. Also gave awards to Midwife Nurul (South Sulawesi), Midwife Surya (Aceh), Midwife Citra (NTT), and Midwife Dian (NTB), for appreciation of the service of the Midwife Program for the Country in remote parts of Indonesia.

Also Read: Gelar Pelatihan Agent of Change, LKC Dompet Dhuafa Bersama Kemenkes dan Dinkes Jakbar Ikhtiar Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

In her remarks, dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM, as General Manager of the Health Division of Dompet Dhuafa said that the target of reducing stunting in Indonesia by 2024 is 14%. He also triggered the participants to interpret the training by understanding the concept and philosophy of work. 

“Friends who attended became an important part of the health pillar in efforts to reduce and prevent stunting in Indonesia. The survey results showed that the stunting rate decreased from 24.4% to 21.6%. This figure is a national survey, but I believe this data can vary greatly in the regions. How can we reduce stunting rates but lack nutrition? Meanwhile, it is the potential for stunting,” she explained.

She also explained that in an effort to prevent stunting, Dompet Dhuafa established Nutrition Posts in seven provinces assisted by Dompet Dhuafa, including in East Java, West Java, NTT, NTB, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi, and held Nutrition Post Facilitator Training for health workers consisting of PKM Midwives, Village Midwives, TPG, and others.

Also Read: Cegah Stunting, Dompet Dhuafa dan PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana Gulirkan Program SIMCETING

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

“Dompet Dhuafa created an upstream-to-downstream program. Look for causal factors, not just interventions. The important thing again is to be integrated. So with this zakat mandate, we can use, also invite others to be part of the stakeholders, so movement. Understand the concept and philosophy of work,” she added.

In addition, the Healthy Area Program is a program that aims to create areas that have certain health indicators that are achieved through empowerment activities, improving human resource competence, local resource management and partnerships. Healthy Post was formed as a center for developing the Healthy Area Program, at least at the RW level.

The program has 7 scope indicators and 21 derivative indicators. The scope of these indicators includes; maternal and child health, stunting prevention, good sanitation, prevention and management of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs), control of the spread of tuberculosis (TB), productive green environment, and spiritual mental health. These indicators are taken because they are still part of the national health issues that are the government’s focus, as well as being a target in achieving SDGs.

Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Bagikan Paket Gizi Sehat untuk Anak-Anak Stunting di Pulau Penawar Rindu

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

In the initial material training, dr. Ir Dwi Listyawardani, M.Sc, Dip. Com. as the Main Expert KB Extension BKKBN promotes the BAAS Program (Bapak/Bunda Asuh Anak Stunting or Stunting Child Foster Father/Mother). According to him, geographically and natural potential, Indonesia is actually not lacking nutritionally. So stunting is not just a factor of poverty, but also caused by parenting factors. SDG’s 2030 targets include eliminating hunger and reducing the risk of malnutrition, reducing maternal mortality rates, reducing neonatal mortality, and universal access to healthcare.

“Stunting is not just posture, but also quality, nutrition, intelligence, etc. We must encourage this approach to foster parents, families, and the environment. Also understand the differences from generation to generation. Even this health awareness effort can start when we are teenagers. Body mass index, including diet,” she explained. 

Furthermore, this training is expected to form reliable facilitators who have qualified competencies so that they can play an active role as professional trainers in the community and improve the skills, knowledge, and abilities of facilitators in assisting the Nutrition Post Program. Also, fostering a commitment to develop further skills as facilitators until the implementation of the Nutrition Post Program in their respective village areas.

Also Read: LKC Dompet Dhuafa Jateng Tandatangani Nota Kesepahaman Inovasi Program Stunting Bersama Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

LKC Gelar Pelatihan Fasilitator untuk Pos Gizi

In line with that, Juperta Panji as the YRST Philanthropy Division, said in his speech that, “Professionals are not only about money, but how to develop themselves and act together. Make this forum a place to explore the potential of something we care about.” (Dompet Dhuafa/Dhika Prabowo)