BOGOR — Dompet Dhuafa held an event entitled Humanity for Turkey and Syria at Masjid Darussalam Kota Wisata Cibubur in Cibubur Tourism City on Friday (10/02/2023). The event was a series of prayers for the dead and those who fought for life after the earthquake that shook Turkiye on Monday (6/2/2023).
Through this activity, Dompet Dhuafa also invites congregants who have just finished praying at the Darussalam Mosque in Cibubur Tourism City to help our brothers and sisters in Turkiye, especially for the recovery of victims affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey-Syria.
Humanity for Turkey and Syria was also attended by Ustaz Taufiqurrahman, S.Q, as the Head of the Tahfizh Al-Quran Darut Taufiq Ar-Rahman Islamic Boarding School, Bogor, to fill out tausiyah or studies. The series of events began after Asar with a sequence of events for the recitation of the holy verses of the Quran, studies, question and answer sessions, and ended with a joint prayer for the victims of the Turkey Earthquake.
Also Read: Suhu Dingin, Korban Gempa Turkiye Butuhkan Sepatu dan Kaus Kaki
In his study, Ustaz Taufiqurrahman or Ustaz Pantun invited the congregation to offer prayers and sympathize with the calamity that befell our brothers and sisters. He also said that we always pray for those affected by disasters.
“With a common prayer, may it be that even though it is the smallest force, but the word of the Prophet we must not forget. Especially for our brothers and sisters who cannot help through energy or material, at least there is a line called to help our brothers, with the power of prayer,” said Ustaz Taufiqurrahman.
In an interview session with Ustaz Taufiqurrahman, he also expressed his appreciation for Dompet Dhuafa for being quick to respond to disasters and provide assistance. He hopes that activities such as Humanity for Turkey and Syria will not stop, especially to invite our brothers and sisters to fastabiqul khairat by donating or inflicting our treasures in the way of Allah. According to him, indirectly, what this did was already carrying out the Quranic commands.
“To borrow the word Buya Hamka, the treasures you eat will become dung, the treasures you keep will become inheritance, but the treasures that last all the ages, are the treasures that we have inflicted. Now is the time for us to be called to be more courageous and istiqamah again to help our brothers and sisters,” said Ustaz Taufiqurrahman.
Also Read: Gaungkan Solidaritas untuk Turkiye dan Suriah, Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Walk For Humanity
After the isya prayers, this activity continued with various studies led by the speaker, Ustaz Faris, BA. Alhamdulillah, Dompet Dhuafa raised Rp 22,553,500 in donations for Turkey and Syria from the congregation on 10/02/2023 as a result of a series of Humanity for Turkey and Syria events at the Darussalam Mosque in Cibubur Tourism City.
“Our prayers for the victims who died due to disasters in Turkey and Syria, may Allah rank into the category of min expert husnul khotimah. And for those who are still alive, may Allah reward them for the calamity they experienced, may Allah also give them another replacement with a better one than the calamity experienced today,” said Ustaz Taufiqurrahman.
He added as well “Going on foot in the dark when hiking is a concern. Our inflicted property is the most important one we possess.” (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia R)