SURABAYA, EAST JAVA — In the Tuberculosis High Level Meeting which took place on November 8-11, 2022 in Surabaya, Dompet Dhuafa also had the opportunity to give a presentation on the first day, Tuesday (8/11/2022). The meeting, themed ‘Action of the Team for the Acceleration of Tuberculosis Control (TP2TB)’, was an effort to follow up on Presidential Regulation Number 67 of 2021 in an effort to accelerate the elimination of tuberculosis by 2030.
General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa‘s Health Division, Dr. Yeni Purnamasari MKM, as a resource person, explained Dompet Dhuafa’s efforts to roll out programs in prevention and empowerment efforts with the title ‘Good Practices of Philanthropic Support in Empowering People Affected by TB’ in Indonesia.
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He further explained, Dompet Dhuafa through LKC (Free Health Services) spread across 12 provinces in Indonesia, has participated in assisting the TB Control Program since 2004. With a program focus on supporting case finding, both actively and passively, training health workers and TB cadres and volunteers, stigma prevention campaigns and psychosocial screening, nutritional support, transportation and shelter, and economic empowerment of TB patients with strategic partnerships with various parties.
“Through the health program, Dompet Dhuafa has made a strategic planning program, one of which is the effort to overcome TB in 3 (three) pillars, namely Service, Defense, and Empowerment. The journey of this program, we have initiated since 2004, also collaborated with the Ministry of Health, Zakat Forum, Partners, Donors, as well as Health Cadre Volunteers, “said dr. Yeni.
Read also: World TB Day Commemoration Series, Dompet Dhuafa Holds TB Exhibition for School Children
In an effort to overcome TB, LKC Dompet Dhuafa strengthens TB education to schools targeting young people. In addition, it also rolled out nutritional support to TB patients in an effort to support the success of treatment, because their attention decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. There is also a Patient Shelter House, although not specifically for TB patients, but when there are TB patients in need, Dompet Dhuafa will prepare, monitor, and provide assistance.
“We also note what challenges there are, including comorbidities. The catastrophic burden also becomes large, especially for drug-resistant patients who have limitations and high drug side effects. So, we designed an economic empowerment program framework for people affected by TB in collaboration with 3 OPT (Organization of TB Survivors) in each region. Of course the hope is that it will be able to improve the abilities, skills, as well as economic support for these patients and their families,” explained Dr. Yeni.
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Tuberculosis is a common problem that requires concrete action and continuous support from all parties. Tuberculosis is a priority health problem in Indonesia. There are an estimated 969,000 new TB cases in Indonesia with a mortality rate of around 93,000 cases. The root cause of TB disease is very complex, so it requires strong commitment, support, and integrated participation, from all levels of cross-sectors, government, private sector, community, professional organizations, civil society organizations, and all relevant stakeholders.
The High Level Meeting in Surabaya was also attended by the Indonesian Minister of Health, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of PUPR, East Java Governor, East Java Mayor, Surabaya Regent, Health Office, Representatives of Professional Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Companies and Other Development Partners.
Read also: LKC Reaches Hundreds of NTB Residents with Door to Door Health Screening
“Dompet Dhuafa together with partners or stakeholders is very wide open to be able to fill the gaps that exist in the field. So that efforts become more concrete and integrated so that TB prevention can become a joint action plan and be realized in a sustainable work plan,” concluded Dr. Yeni. (Dompet Dhuafa / Dhika Prabowo)