Dompet Dhuafa Receives Donation for Palestine from British Propolis Entrepreneurs

Donasi untuk Palestina dari para pengusaha British Propolis

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Israel’s military attack on Gaza has killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 70,000. Millions of Gazans have also become refugees and are threatened with starvation due to Israel’s restricted access to aid. Launching, Israel is now attacking Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

Seeing this condition, various parties condemned the attack by Israel. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), Indonesia said that the expulsion of Palestinians, including from the Rafah border, is the height of crimes against humanity. Not only from the government, various social and business organizations in Indonesia also continue to express their support for the Palestinians, including the British Propolis entrepreneurs.

On Friday (9/5/2024), located in Zona Madina Parung, Bogor, British Propolis entrepreneurs coordinated by Ippho Santosa handed over a donation for Palestine amounting to IDR 454,500,000 to representatives of Dompet Dhuafa (later updated to IDR 470,500,000). This donation is expected to be channeled into the procurement of an ambulance to help the Palestinians. Previously, the ambulance donated by British Propolis was directly attacked by a missile by Israel, making it unable to operate to evacuate victims in Central Gaza.

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Sends Aid to Cianjur Refugees in Funeral Tents

Update on the handover of donations collected from British Propolis for Palestine partners, Monday (5/13/2024).

Ippho Santosa said that the donation collected is the result of accumulated donations from thousands of British Propolis partners who have the same spirit to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

“We hope that the donations collected can be channeled to procure ambulances for Palestinians and can provide the widest possible benefit for our brothers and sisters there. This donation is a mandate from thousands of our partners. Alhamdulillah, the amount of donation that was initially planned to be around IDR 75 million has increased to IDR 470.5 million. May it be a blessing for all,” said Ippho Santosa.

Ippho Santosa and British Propolis are good partners who have routinely channeled donations through Dompet Dhuafa. On the occasion of the donation handover for Palestine, the British Propolis team also conducted a tour to see the forms of donations that they have distributed. One of them was an ambulance and medical equipment donated to RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital, Parung, Bogor.

Read also: Qiscus: Employees and Company Unite in Donation for Palestine, Delivered Through Dompet Dhuafa

Dompet Dhuafa ambulance hit by Israeli missile.

Bobby Manullang as General Manager of Branches and Zakat Management Partners (MPZ) Dompet Dhuafa welcomed the donation from British Propolis entrepreneurs to be distributed to Palestine.

“As representatives of Dompet Dhuafa, we would like to express our gratitude for the donation from the British Propolis partners. We will channel this donation in the form of ambulance procurement for the Palestinians. This donation is in accordance with Dompet Dhuafa’s distribution plan to procure ambulances that are urgently needed by our brothers and sisters there,” explained Bobby Manullang.

Dr. Ippho Santosa and representatives of British Propolis partners touring RST Dompet Dhuafa.
British Propolis team in front of the ICU room of RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital, donated by British Propolis.
The British Propolis team poses for a photo in front of the donation sign for medical equipment at RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital.

Bobby Manullang also said that Dompet Dhuafa still opens opportunities for collaboration from various parties to help the Palestinians. Various donations have been distributed, namely donations of clean water and ready-to-eat food (public kitchens), medical needs, fuel for hospitals, blankets, and food packages that continue to this day.

“Hopefully this collaboration of kindness from British Propolis can inspire various parties to continue to contribute to helping our brothers and sisters in Palestine and of course we hope that Allah will grant freedom to our brothers and sisters in Palestine soon. Aamiin,” Bobby added.

Read also: Caring for Humanity, Jims Honey Channels Donations for Palestine Through Dompet Dhuafa

Three representatives of Dompet Dhuafa were sent to Rafah Border to oversee the distribution of aid to Palestine.

Dompet Dhuafa distributes donations to Palestine through various methods, such as through the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, local Palestinian NGOs, and collaborating with the Indonesia Humanitarian Alliance (IHA). Dompet Dhuafa also sent three amil as representatives to the Rafah border in November 2023 to oversee the distribution of aid. Through these various efforts, it is hoped that the aid can be received by the Palestinian people. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Pradila Maulia
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna