Dompet Dhuafa Sends dr. Sjarif, A Surgical Specialist, to Turkiye


SOUTH TANGERANG — Dompet Dhuafa through its disaster organ, Disaster Management Center (DMC) sent one of the volunteer surgeons to Turkiye. He is dr. Sjarif Darmawan, Sp.B who is a surgeon at RS Rumah Sehat Terpadu Dompet Dhuafa in Parung.

Together with four other volunteers with expertise in their respective fields, dr. Sjarif will depart/fly to Turkiye tomorrow (10/2/2023). They are dr. Zainab Aqila and dr. Rosmalia, who are currently in quarantine as an Emergency Medical Team (EMT) by Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) RI (the Indonesian Ministry of Health). Then Narwan as the response action team and Dedi Fadlil as a humanitarian journalist under the coordination of Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas) RI (the National SAR Agency).

Sjarif Darmawan, Sp.B delivered a speech at the release of volunteers to Turkiye on Thursday (9/2/2023) at DMC Headquarters, South Tangerang
From left to right: Ahmad Shonhaji, Dedi Fadlil, Narwan, dr. Sjarif Darmawan, and Rahmad Riyadi.

Sjarif said during the release event at Markas DMC, South Tangerang, on Thursday (9/2/2023), that in disaster events like this there were so many cases of medical emergencies. He has been determined not only to serve public health in the context of poverty, but also to perform medical treatment tasks on disasters or humanitarian issues.

According to him, this task of helping people will indeed be a lot of temptations that try to challenge, such as longing for family, children, and wives. Some will experience difficult circumstances, lack of water, food, and so on. However, he said it would not stop him from continuing jihad for humanity.

“This is the fifth time I have joined DMC Dompet Dhuafa in various humanitarian and disaster tasks. I’ve joined RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital since 2015. I remember my first assignment was going to Lombok. Then I’ve also had a task for Rohingya in Bangladesh,” he explained.

The DMC Dompet Dhuafa team carried out the release ceremony of 5 humanitarian volunteers who were leaving for Turkiye.
The DMC Dompet Dhuafa team carried out the release ceremony of 5 humanitarian volunteers who were leaving for Turkiye.
The volunteers who were about to leave prayed together.

Having joined Dompet Dhuafa since 8 years ago, dr. Sjarif was assigned to the Lombok Earthquake in 2018, to the Rohingya humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh in 2017, to the West Sulawesi Earthquake in 2021.

On this occasion, he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given to strive to become someone noble by the side of Allah SWT. Whenever he is asked by the DMC to serve, he will be ready to go.

“We don’t know what nature will be like. But in syaa Allah, this will be never-ending good deeds (jariyah) for donors, foundation administrators, the amil, volunteers, and all those involved in this action,” he said in front of reporters.

Also Read: Relawan Dompet Dhuafa Resmi Diberangkatkan ke Turkiye

He added that since he joined Dompet Dhuafa’s hospital, he had been ready if there would definitely have been times when he would be dispatched as a professional volunteer.

“I’ve devoted myself, my time, my energy to continue to be a humanitarian helper. Moreover, my profession is in the concerned field (medical),” he said firmly.

Friends! Let’s pray together for the warriors of humanity to always be given blessings and health by Allah Almighty. Surely we will not stand still either. In addition to their duties, we can help deal with the earthquakes that have befallen relatives in Türkiye and Syria by donating through Help Turkey Be Empowered to Face Disasters. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)