Dompet Dhuafa Service Outlets Appear More Attractive with Colour, Motion, and Sound

DEPOK, WEST JAVA — Serving as a Fundraising Team at Dompet Dhuafa Service Outlets is an activity that Rizal Nur Qoyum and Rachmawati enjoy. Between gratitude or wanting to resign, Rizal and Rachma were in a dilemma shortly before the first time they served as the Fundraising Team. The reason is, they must commit to be consistent until the night of takbiran arrives. With various considerations, they were willing to take on the mandate as the frontline of zakat, infaq and sadaqah services for visitors to Margo City Mall, Depok.

‘At first I was a little hesitant, because I was not at home on Takbiran night. But more and more, I feel like I’m called to be on this good path,’ Rizal admitted on Sunday (31/3/2024).

Initiator and Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Trustees, Parni Hadi, together with Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Directors, Ahmad Juwaini, and Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Integrated Rumah Sehat Foundation, Ismail A. Said, visited Dompet Dhuafa’s Service Outlet in Margo City Depok.

In the late afternoon, initiator and Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Trustees, Parni Hadi, accompanied by Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Management, Ahmad Juwaini, and Chairman of the Integrated Rumah Sehat Foundation, Ismail A. Said, visited Dompet Dhuafa’s Service Outlets at Margo City Mall, a large shopping centre in Margonda, Depok. Parni returned to greet the Dompet Dhuafa Fundraising Team at the outlets with fresh ideas and motivation.

Read also: Fresh motivation, Parni Hadi visits fundraising team at Ramadan service outlets

Parni encouraged Dompet Dhuafa’s frontliners to serve muzaki with a smile. Parni said, to attract the attention of visitors so that they are not reluctant to give zakat, Dompet Dhuafa Service Outlets must have three elements, namely good appearance/colour, movement, and sound as well as fun.

In the late afternoon, initiator and Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Trustees, Parni Hadi, accompanied by Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa’s Board of Management, Ahmad Juwaini, and Chairman of the Integrated Rumah Sehat Foundation, Ismail A. Said, visited Dompet Dhuafa’s Service Outlets at Margo City Mall, a large shopping centre in Margonda, Depok. Parni returned to greet the Dompet Dhuafa Fundraising Team at the outlets with fresh ideas and motivation.

Parni encouraged Dompet Dhuafa’s frontliners to serve muzaki with a smile. Parni said, to attract the attention of visitors so that they are not reluctant to give zakat, Dompet Dhuafa Service Outlets must have three elements, namely good appearance/colour, movement, and sound as well as fun.

Dompet Dhuafa’s Fundraising Team, Rizal, wears an Aladdin costume while distributing takjil to mall visitors.

Ahmad Faqih Syarafaddin as GM of ZIS Collection Dompet Dhuafa also said that Dompet Dhuafa service outlets will always continue to increase creativity in all aspects, so that visitors / donors are interested and grow more curious about Dompet Dhuafa’s programmes. This can be realised with the three things Parni said, namely appearance/colour, movement and sound. For example, by presenting the art of violin, flute, drumming (hadroh), or other interesting things.

Donors who come to the booth will be recorded by the Fundraising Team by recording their telephone numbers and then counting how many times the donor has donated to Dompet Dhuafa. Then related to the amount of donations obtained, the most important thing is to give the best smile to all visitors who pass by. Because, one never knows when someone’s guidance comes to participate in planting goodness through Dompet Dhuafa.

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‘So, remember, you have to smile. Just give a sincere smile from the heart,’ Parni said.

Activities at the booth can be maximised through three elements, namely sound, motion, and colour. This is to attract as many visitors as possible to us. Sounds that attract attention such as musical instrument performances at the counter. Similarly, a motion show in a crowd can provide its own attention. As for attracting attention with colour, it can be done with the costumes we wear when on duty, such as the one being used by Rizal, namely the Aladin costume.

Dompet Dhuafa’s Fundraising Team, Rachmawati, distributes takjil to mall visitors.

In addition, Ahmad Juwaini also delivered a message. He said, as much as possible, Dompet Dhuafa utilises digital devices such as televisions in outlets as a form of communication to potential donors about Dompet Dhuafa. This can make them know many things about Dompet Dhuafa’s programmes without the need for us to explain them personally.

‘One of the important things about donor visits is the frequency with which donors donate to Dompet Dhuafa. We must provide the best service and maintain donor trust, so that the frequency of donors donating increases,’ Ahmad said.

Read also: Parni Hadi Invites Dompet Dhuafa Employees to Reap Kindness with Rahman and Rahim Values

Apart from Margo City, Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Service Outlets are also spread across 46 other shopping centre locations in the Greater Jakarta area. The nuances of the long-awaited month of Ramadan were enthusiastically welcomed by Dompet Dhuafa personnel and the community. Especially for Muslims who practice Ramadan fasting. That the month of Ramadan has come and the #RamadanMendekatkan moment is felt with a smile.

‘Keep smiling when interacting with anyone while at the counter, whether just communicating without a donation transaction, let alone serving the donation process at the booth,’ concluded Parni. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text: Riza Muthohar
Photo: Yudha, Rizal
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Dedi Fadlil