BOGOR — Development in the education world becomes one of the important factors to face the progress of the times. In line with that, Dompet Dhuafa together with AXA Mandiri Unit Syariah collaborActed to complement the practice facilities of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen (STIM) Budi Bakti. This was actualized by Dompet Dhuafa, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), and AXA Mandiri Unit Syariah by distributing waqf from the benefits of Asuransi Mandiri Elite Plan Syariah policy on Friday (16/6/2023) at the Madina Zone of Dompet Dhuafa, Bogor. The waqf funds received by Dompet Dhuafa will be used for the construction of the STIM Budi Bakti laboratory.
“Every waqf manager must have obstacles, so collaboration between waqf managers is needed in order to optimize waqf to be more productive. If productive waqf is optimized, it will provide more benefits for mauquf alaih (benefit recipients). Not only between Nazirs, collaboration is also needed with various parties, both government, private institutions, and the community. A great potential will not run alone without collaboration with other parties,” said Bobby P Manullang as GM of Waqf Dompet Dhuafa.
On the other hand, Asuransi Mandiri Elite Plan Syariah is an insurance protection solution from AXA Mandiri Unit Syariah which has a waqf feature. The waqf feature is in line with Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional MUI No.106/DSN-MUI/X/2016 concerning waqf Insurance Benefits and Investment Benefits in Sharia Life Insurance. The waqf feature becomes an attractive option to increase insurance awareness of the public.
Waqf insurance is one of the easy ways to do waqf that can be done through the AXA Mandiri Unit Syariah insurance product. Sharia insurance policyholders can entrust their insurance benefits at a maximum of 45%, compensation and/or investment benefits at a maximum of 30% of the cash value claimed after the policyholder dies or experiences risk. The waqf funds will be handed over to nazir in collaboration with AXA Mandiri.
“Sharia insurance protection not only provides benefits of protection and financial planning in accordance with sharia principles, but also provides ease of charity through the waqf feature, so that the insurance protection solution is not only beneficial for policyholders, but also for others, as well as achieving uninterrupted rewards,” said the Director of AXA Mandiri, Uke Giri Utama.
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In addition to waqf features, Asuransi Mandiri Elite Plan Syariah has advantages, including protection against the risk of death due to accidents during Hajj or Umrah in the form of additional 100% insurance compensation, death benefits for any cause, Hajj badal benefits, and funeral retirement. Asuransi Mandiri Elite Plan Syariah can be found in Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) branches.
Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) noted that the acquisition of cash waqf reached IDR 1.4 trillion as of March 2022. This figure has increased when compared to the acquisition of cash waqf collected throughout 2018-2021 worth IDR 855 billion. Meanwhile, based on Sistem Informasi Wakaf Kemenag (2022), land waqf in Indonesia has been spread across 440.5 thousand points with a total area of 57.2 hectares.
Protection with the allocation of funds for waqf has three main advantages, namely providing comprehensive insurance benefits, maximizing proper financial planning to ensure protection benefits for families/heirs in the future, and providing waqf features systematically to help others in accordance with sharia principles.
Also read: Sinergi Wakaf Dompet Dhuafa dan AXA Mandiri Syariah Muliakan dan Berdayakan Perempuan
Yayat Supriatna as Secretary of Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa expressed his hope regarding this collaboration of kindness, “At the age of approaching 30 years of Dompet Dhuafa, this waqf insyaallah can become a gift that hopefully will provide benefits that continue to roll out and can improve the quality of life for the benefit recipients.”
Waqf as an instrument of Islamic economy has a huge impact if optimized as one of the country’s economic instruments. Dompet Dhuafa invites all people to increase literacy about the virtues of waqf. Dompet Dhuafa manages waqf productively, not only developing in terms of charity benefits, but also economic benefits. That way, waqf will become a tool to be able to eradicate the poverty problems of the underprivileged community. (Dompet Dhuafa/PR)