Dompet Dhuafa Together with Community Elements Hold Action to Defend Palestine in Front of the UN Building, Ranging from Theatrical Performances to Joint Prayers

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB

JAKARTA – Dompet Dhuafa, along with various community elements, organized a Solidarity Action for Palestine in front of the United Nations Building on Jl MH. Thamrin, Central Jakarta, on Friday (20/10/2023). This Action to Defend Palestine is a call to all parties to widen their focus on Palestine.

Representing Dompet Dhuafa and the community elements, Haryo Mojopahit, GM of Communication and Strategic Alliances, articulated Dompet Dhuafa’s stance on the situation in Palestine as follows:

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)
Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)

Baca juga: Aliansi Pemuda Sumsel Bergerak, Gelar Aksi Solidaritas untuk Palestina

  1. Expressing deep concern over the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, including attacks on humanitarian installations and civilian casualties.
  2. Calling for an immediate end to the war and advocating for the broadest possible access to humanitarian aid, specifically for health, food, and electricity supplies for civilians.
  3. Urging the UN, international institutions, and Arab nations to unite in finding a permanent solution that can objectively bring peace to both parties involved.
Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)
Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)
  1. Urging the Indonesian government, as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, to engage in diplomacy aimed at halting violence against countries involved in the conflict, opening channels for humanitarian aid, and seeking the most effective resolution to the Palestinian conflict.
  2. Calling on all parties to provide humanitarian aid to Palestine, in line with the principles of international humanitarian assistance.

Baca juga: Buntut Serangan Israel, Korban Tewas di Gaza Palestina Capai 2.670 Orang, Suplai Listrik Hingga Air Menipis

Bambang Suherman, Director of Programs at Dompet Dhuafa and Chair of the Zakat Forum (FOZ), in his speech, rejected all opposition to Palestinian independence.

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)
Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)

“Today we voice our concerns over the humanitarian tragedy that has resulted in the deaths of the elderly, pregnant women, children, and people with disabilities. We stand in a place that is supposed to guard world peace, yet it remains unable to stop the decades-long tragedy. Today, we explicitly reject all opposition to Palestinian independence!” emphasized Bambang.

“We continuously defend Palestine for at least three reasons. Palestine is an integral part of the Muslim community, as stated in the Quran. Defending Palestine aligns with our constitution. We do not accept any form of violence on Earth. We demand that Israel open the Gaza Strip for humanitarian missions,” he further explained.

Baca juga: Bangun Tuntutan Global, Hentikan Kekerasan Israel di Palestina, Bukan Saling Menyalahkan

Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)
Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Aksi Bela Palestina di Depan Kantor PBB
Pro-Palestine Demonstration on Jl MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10/2023)

The event commenced with a medical ambulance convoy from the Philanthropy Building to Jl MH. Thamrin, followed by a series of humanitarian performances, emotional poetry readings, prayers, and collective supplications for divine mercy in light of the current situation.

To conclude the event, Rahmad Riyadi, Chair of the Dompet Dhuafa Foundation Board, expressed gratitude to all those involved in the collaboration, saying, “Thank you to all who collaborated in this effort. May we all receive God’s blessings, and may our endeavors continue to reach and support them in achieving their rights as a sovereign state!” (Dompet Dhuafa/Syafira/Dhika Prabowo/Muthohar)