KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — Ramadan 1445 H was the first time the Kampung Baru learning centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia held a Santri Ramadan programme. The programme, which was also promoted by Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors, was attended by 19 boys and girls aged between 8 and 12 years old.
Like other students in general, Santri Ramadan participants also stay at the learning centre. Eating, drinking, sleeping, studying, praying, and various other activities are carried out in the learning centre. The Santri Ramadan programme focuses on moral development and memorisation of the Qur’an Juz 30. The presence of Dompet Duafa’s Dai Ambassadors also helps achieve the targets of the students.
After running for six days, the students have been equipped with memorisation of surah An-Naba, An-Nazi’at, and some have even entered surah ‘Abasa. In addition, the Ramadan students are also equipped with daily prayers. Such as prayers after Duha prayer in the form of poems, prayers for learning, and various other prayers.
Dai Ambassador is present for every person who needs a touch of da’wah. The children in this Kampung Baru centre are generally busy with their mobile phones and the influence of Kuala Lumpur city life. It takes a lot of patience to nurture them, and a lot of fortitude to guide them.
With the blessing of Santri Ramadan, children who were used to using their mobile phones are now able to fill their days with productive things. From learning, poetry, tadarus, tahfiz and tahsin, as well as actively praying in congregation, Duha, and qiyamullail. It is hoped that these initial achievements will equip them to love and obey their religion in the future.
In addition to Santri Ramadan, Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors are also present as an answer to the need for teachers at TPA Kampung Baru. This TPA is attended by 80 children every afternoon, starting at 16:00 to 17:30 local time. This TPA activity varies, one of which is reading and writing exercises in Arabic and Indonesian.
Hopefully, the presence of Dompet Duafa’s Dai Ambassador in this learning centre can be a light and instructor of darkness. And, can be a thirst quencher for knowledge for children of future generations. Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa is also committed to always being present to accompany Santri Ramadan and TPA and everything that needs a touch of da’wah during their duties in the neighboring country.
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Ahmad Damsah Nasution, Dompet Dhuafa 2024 Dai Ambassador