JAKARTA — Present differently, Dompet Dhuafa explained a series of Annual Report 2022 activities at Indonesia Giving Fest (IGF) 2022 – Zakat Expo on the second day, Saturday (24/12/2022), at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta. In the festive atmosphere, Rahmad Riyadi the Chairman of Dompet Dhuafa Management opened with a keynote speech, then Prima Hadi Putra as Director of Business Operation Support (B.O.S.) Dompet Dhuafa officially reported the performance of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation in 2022.
Opening the 2022 Annual Report, Rahmad Riyadi said that during his 29 years of work, Dompet Dhuafa tried to continue to develop its services and as much as possible, could make changes in the management of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf (ZISWAF) funds in the development of the times. It is also necessary to maintain good values, because the work of empowerment will certainly be dynamic with the movement of the digitalization era.
“Dompet Dhuafa strives to distribute zakat funds effectively and innovatively. This can be used as a model for empowerment between institutions so that when we encounter events like this next year, we will find empowerment programs that are even more innovative. The program that we plan is sought so that the systematics are arranged and understandable between institutions, making it easier and able to collaborate to develop it more broadly,” said Rahmad Riyadi.
He also expressed his gratitude for the support of all parties involved and appreciation to the (F.O.Z.) for initiating the IGF 2022 implementation.
“Let us thank you for all parties involved and support the series of Dompet Dhuafa 2022 Annual Report this time. Also to F.O.Z., which has successfully presented IGF 2022 as an annual zakat expose event. Hopefully, this meeting will add more benefits, enthusiasm, and unity to work in the coming years,” he concluded.
Also Read: https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/layanan-program-dompet-dhuafa-meriahkan-ajang-igf-2022/
In this momentum, Dompet Dhuafa also carried out a symbolic MoU on the synergy of kindness with the representatives of the Indonesian Ark Maju Foundation (YBMI), as an inauguration of YBMI as a Zakat Management Partner (M.P.Z.) of Dompet Dhuafa. In addition, Dompet Dhuafa also held a live zakat transaction demo-mobile app, as a symbolic MoU in collaboration with the DUITHAPE digital application.
Also Read: https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/buka-data-pada-public-expose-igf-zakat-expo-2022/
In addition to winning a series of awards and appreciation, Prima Hadi Putra, in his presentation said that in 2022 Dompet Dhuafa was also involved in important events in Indonesia, including being a motor and active speaker in the C20 SDG’s and Humanitarian Working Group International Multistakeholders, as well as signing Urban Risk Disaster cooperation with BNPB, dozens of Amil were also certified Amil and Nazhir Waqf Experts.
“In 2022, alhamdulillah, the total collection of Dompet Dhuafa reached IDR 394.3 billion and the total distribution of IDR 377.14 billion. With an operating cost usage ratio of IDR 45.7 billion or 11.59%, Dompet Dhuafa’s distribution performance is very effective according to the Allocation to Collection Ratio, Zakat Core Principle. Alhamdulillah, the total beneficiaries of Dompet Dhuafa in 2022 are 2.9 million people and the total beneficiaries for 29 years are 31.2 million people,” said Prima Hadi Putra.
Closing the series of Annual Report 2022, the Dompet Dhuafa Plenary Talkshow session presented testimonials from 6 (six) program beneficiaries and 3 (three) cross-professional responders, further strengthening the benefits of ZISWAF management. Stories of inspiration and appreciation were present from the speakers and responders, helping to strengthen Dompet Dhuafa’s work in managing the donor mandate. (Dompet Dhuafa / Dhika Prabowo)