SINDH, PAKISTAN — Dompet Dhuafa through Dompet Dhuafa’s Disaster Management Center (DMC) unit has helped 3,150 with superior Emergency Response-Recovery programs. On Wednesday last month (21/9/2022), Dompet Dhuafa and We Care Foundation sent 120 basic food packages for 120 households or the equivalent of 480 people in Qadir Dino Shah, Doulatpur Taluka Shahbandar, Sujawal District, Sindh Province, Pakistan.
Then Tuesday in the following week (27/9/2022), Dompet Dhuafa represented a network of Islamic philanthropic institutions in Indonesia such as the Zakat Forum (FOZ) and the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI) together with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) sent 300 hygiene kit packages for 300 households / 1,200 people.
This assistance service was followed by the presence of the DMC Dompet Dhuafa Response-Recovery team in Pakistan. Through the support of We Care Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa provides program services to meet the basic needs of flash flood survivors in Pakistan. Starting from distributing 50 food packages for 50 households / 420 people in Usma Village, Sujawal City, Sindh Province, last Monday (10/10/2022). Until opening health services at Haji Amir Shah and Saleh Muhammad, Thatta City, Sindh Province on Thursday (13/10/2022). The health service helped approximately 100 people. The majority of patients are children with complaints of skin diseases.
“There are as many as 100 patients and the majority of pediatric patients with complaints in the form of body spots and itching,” explained Narwan as Response-Recovery Manager of DMC Dompet Dhuafa on Thursday (13/10/2022).
Following the official release issued by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on the importance of sanitation facilities program intervention, Dompet Dhuafa immediately built clean water facilities in the form of drilled wells in two villages, namely in Haji Amir Shah and Saleh Muhammad, Thatta City, Sindh Province on Saturday (15/10/2022). The construction of this drill clean water facility can help 50 households / 350 people access clean water services.
“Karena tidak ada pasokan air minum bersih dan semua sarana air bersih habis diterjang banjir. Mereka tidak memiliki sumber mata air bersih. Makanya kita inisiatif buat bangun sarana air bersih di lokasi tersebut,” lanjut Narwan melapor dari Pakistan, pada Sabtu (15/10/2022).
UNICEF says 5.5 million have difficulty accessing clean water supplies due to flash floods. This worsens the health conditions of people affected by disasters, especially women and children. More than seven million children and women now need immediate access to nutrition services, while nearly four million children do not have access to health services. Improving nutritional and nutritional intake, WASH, and health is now critical to saving children’s lives.
“Although UNICEF provides one million liters of clean water every day, many families have no alternative access to drinking water containing the disease. They now bear the brunt of deadly waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dengue fever, and malaria, which only reinforce existing acute malnutrition,” quoted in an official UNICEF release.
Furthermore, Dompet Dhuafa and Fatih Foundation distributed 100 food packages to 100 households / 400 people in Goonggo Village, Mehar City, Dadu District, Sindh Province last Friday (21/10/2022). The Dompet Dhuafa and Fatih Foundation recently distributed 50 tents for 50 households / 200 people on Monday (24/10/2022).
In addition, Dompet Dhuafa has also built two permanent residences and assisted in procuring MOVA (Mobile Evacuation) to support survivors in mobilization in the region.
“Currently, DMC Dompet Dhuafa is coordinating with NGOs in Indonesia regarding post-flood recovery in Pakistan. Starting from the construction of places of worship, housing, and others,” explained Haryo Mojopahit as Chief Executive of DMC Dompet Dhuafa in a short message.
DMC Dompet Dhuafa invites all parties to collaborate to reduce the burden on the survivors of this Pakistani flood disaster and so on. People interested in helping comrades affected by flash floods in Pakistan can visit the Solidarity for Islam page at May the affected residents be given fortitude and always in the protection of Allah SWT. (Dompet Dhuafa / DMC)