Enhancing Ambulance Driving Literacy, LKC Conducts Defensive Driving Training for Indonesia Healthy Network

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — On Thursday (21/9/2023), the Free Health Service (LKC) of Dompet Dhuafa, through its Health Emergency Response Team (RDK), held a training session titled “Defensive Driving, Driving to Save Lives” at Zona Madina, Parung, Bogor. The training was organized as part of efforts to enhance capacity and knowledge.

The training was attended by all community members involved in the Indonesia Healthy Network partnership. Various activities took place from morning till evening, ranging from indoor materials to practical safe driving.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

According to Dr. Yeni Purnamasari, General Manager of the Health Division of Dompet Dhuafa, Dompet Dhuafa has initiated partnerships with various community institutions to improve access and guarantee health services for the needy and the general public, especially members of the Indonesia Healthy Network.

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“One of the efforts to enhance the capacity of the Indonesia Healthy Network partnership, Dompet Dhuafa through LKC today organized a defensive driving training led by experts related to basic life handling needs and defensive driving. This aims to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities of ambulance drivers needed in daily life,” said Dr. Yeni.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

Furthermore, Dr. Yeni hopes that the drivers participating in this training will have sufficient skills in safety driving to ensure the safety of patients and other drivers.

Next, Muhammad Faisal, an Officer of RDK LKC Central, stated that the event was conducted in collaboration with the Emergency Ambulance Foundation (AGD) 118 and Sejiwa (Spirit of the Soul).

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“AGD 118 and Sejiwa provided various materials, including basic life support and defensive driving, how to be a good and correct ambulance team. Then, providing first aid in pre-hospital situations was also learned today. In addition, Sejiwa discussed proper driving methods and how to control emotions while on the road,” said Faisal.

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

LKC Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Pelatihan Defensive Driving

The activity received positive feedback from the participants. Abdul Rohman, a participant from the Cahaya Foundation Community, mentioned that the training was very beneficial for him and his community as it helped evaluate their driving methods.

“It’s very helpful, to know what mistakes we have made. This is a valuable lesson for us. It makes us more aware of what should and shouldn’t be done while driving an ambulance,” said Abdul. (Dompet Dhuafa/LKC/Anndini)