Farmers in Banten Earn Tens of Millions from Vaname Shrimp Farming Empowerment of Dompet Dhuafa

Program pemberdayaan ekonomi Dompet Dhuafa Banten, Budidaya Udang Vaname, terletak di Desa Wanayasa, Kecamatan Pontang, Serang.

BANTEN — Limited capital and lack of knowledge have made it difficult for shrimp farmers in Wanayasa Village, Pontang Subdistrict, Serang, to grow. The farmers there admitted that the main factor in traditional shrimp management was the preparation of capital and knowledge of the ins and outs of raising vaname shrimp.

This condition actually knocked the Dompet Dhuafa program team to create an empowerment program. Fita Berliana Akbar, Program Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Banten, explained that residents in Wanayasa Village, the majority of milkfish and shrimp farmers, especially vaname species. But unfortunately, they are only farmers, while their pond land is rented and even for sales it still depends on middlemen so that the benefits they get are very small.

“Alhamdulillah, Dompet Dhuafa Banten is trying to enter this vaname shrimp farming program. Starting from the seed stocking for the 20 Meter Diameter biofloc, it was tested with an intensive solid stocking system. The normal density is actually at 100 thousand seeds but for this first cycle it was tested with a solid stocking at 140 thousand seeds with a density of 290 fry / cubic meter. Water height in the pond is approximately 1.5 meters. The use of bioflocs aims to facilitate the control of water quality, with salinity (coarse salt), PH, temperature that is easy to control every day. The use of biofloc is also to optimize the cultivation process with more productive and efficient results for maintenance, “Elin explained to a number of media crews who were following the press touring agenda on Tuesday (05/06/2024) afternoon.

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Dompet Dhuafa Banten’s economic empowerment program, Vaname Shrimp Cultivation, is located in Wanayasa Village, Pontang District, Serang.

The purchase of fry is still in the Serang area (Serang/Carita Regency). Seeds that have been empirically tested by several farms in Banten Province. With seed prices for the best quality currently at 45 rupiah / seed.

Daily treatment for employees is to control water quality by carrying out the shipon process, and the treatment of spreading NH3 decomposing drugs. Feeding and sampling size per 5-10 days (Anco technique). Feeding in general has a ratio of 1:1 with a calculation of 1.5 tons of feed will produce a total harvest of 1.5 tons of shrimp.

Partial harvesting has been done. Partial harvesting aims to reduce density when the size of the shrimp is getting bigger. The first harvest was done on day (DOC 40). When the shrimp size enters size 120-100. Partial harvest is done to avoid the development of Vibrio bacteria and shrimp death due to molting and cannibalism. Partial in this cycle has been done as many as 4 stages. Stage 1 is about 2 quintals. Stage 2 & 3 as much as 2 quintals. Stage 4 as much as 2 quintals. With a total partial harvest of 6 Quintals. The remaining shrimp population is now at 28,000 shrimp with a target final total harvest at Size 45-40 reaching a tonnage of 7 Quintals.

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Dompet Dhuafa Banten’s economic empowerment program, Vaname Shrimp Cultivation, is located in Wanayasa Village, Pontang District, Serang.

Ali as the beneficiary of the Dompet Dhuafa Banten vaname shrimp farming program said, with the help of this empowerment program, he really felt helped, especially in the field of vaname shrimp management. Starting from the availability of ponds or land to marketing this vaname shrimp.

“We no longer depend on middlemen. So that we can break the economic chain of marketing. In addition, capital and profits will originally be used for the construction of bioflocs and new nurseries again, so that they can absorb a wider market, “he said.

Currently, Dompet Dhuafa Banten is able to sell the pond products to restaurants at a price of 80,000 / kg, end users 95,000 / kg. Thus, Dompet Dhuafa Banten can target the amount of margin at Rp51,000,000 in one cycle. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text: Bani, Riza Muthohar
Photo: Bani
Editor: Dhika Prabowo