FOMO, How Does Islam View It?

The FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) phenomenon is increasingly prevalent among young people, especially generation Z. FOMO is a feeling of anxiety or fear of missing out that arises when a person feels like they are not participating in a trend, event or activity that is popular. For example, many young people feel “behind the times” if they don’t watch the latest music concert, don’t get the latest collections such as Labubu toys, or don’t follow viral social media trends.

The rise of FOMO is inseparable from the influence of technology and social media that makes information spread so quickly. Generation Z, who grew up in the digital age, often feels the need to keep up to date so as not to feel isolated or left behind. However, how exactly does Islam view FOMO? Is this feeling compatible with Islamic teachings, or should it be avoided? Let’s discuss further.

What is FOMO and why does it happen?

FOMO is a psychological phenomenon that describes a person’s anxiety about being left behind or not being involved in a social activity or trend. Social media is one of the main causes of FOMO, as we can see the activities of our friends, celebrities, or even strangers who are enjoying certain moments.

When people see others attending big music concerts, collecting limited edition items, or taking exotic vacations, some people feel like they have to do the same so they don’t feel left out. As a result, FOMO can affect mental health, making a person feel anxious, dissatisfied, and always want to seek pleasure from things that are temporary.

Islam has a comprehensive view on how to live, including how one should deal with the world and what it holds. Here are some relevant Islamic perspectives to assess the FOMO phenomenon:

  1. Self-Satisfaction and Qana’ah (Satisfaction)
    Islam teaches us to always be content and grateful with what we have. A sense of qana’ah helps one not to get caught up in the endless worldly race. In the Qur’an, Allah says, “And do not lengthen your eyes to what We have given to groups of them as the flower of the life of the world so that We may test them with it. And the gift of your Lord is better and more lasting.” (QS. Taha: 131). This verse reminds us not to be mesmerized by the temporary pleasures of this world and to stay focused on things that are more eternal.
  2. Zuhud and Simplicity in Living Life
    In Islam, the concept of zuhud means abstaining from excessive dependence on worldly things. This does not mean avoiding the world completely, but keeping the heart from getting too attached to the pleasures of the world. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “The zuhud person is not the one who abandons the world altogether, but the zuhud person is the one who is more certain of what is with Allah than what is in the hands of men.” (HR Ahmad). By having a zuhud attitude, a Muslim will not be easily affected by FOMO and can live a calmer life.
  3. Balance between the World and the Hereafter
    Islam emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the life of this world and the hereafter. Having hobbies, attending events, or enjoying worldly things is not wrong as long as we don’t forget our obligations to Allah. Do not let FOMO make us forget about worship, neglect our obligations, or do things that are not in accordance with religious teachings. As in a hadith narrated by Bukhari, the Prophet SAW said, “Work for your world as if you will live forever, and work for your hereafter as if you will die tomorrow.” This emphasizes the importance of not going overboard in pursuing the pleasures of the world.

How to Overcome FOMO According to Islam?

To overcome FOMO, a Muslim can apply the following steps that are in accordance with Islamic teachings:

  1. Strengthen Gratitude and Be Thankful for Existing Favors
    One of the best ways to overcome FOMO is to increase gratitude. Remembering that everyone has different sustenance and that Allah gives what is best for His servants is the key to reducing feelings of anxiety due to FOMO. Every time you feel dissatisfied, try to remember all the blessings that Allah has given.
  2. Prioritizing Worship and Beneficial Activities
    Instead of being busy chasing the latest trends, we should focus on things that are beneficial for ourselves and the community. Rasulullah SAW said, “The best of human beings are those who are most beneficial to other human beings.” (HR. Ahmad). Spending time and energy on useful things will help us avoid feelings of dissatisfaction and reduce the anxiety caused by FOMO.
  3. Limiting Social Media Use
    Since social media is a major trigger for FOMO, limiting your social media usage time can help reduce feelings of anxiety. Set a specific time for social media and don’t make it a top priority in your daily life. This is also in line with Islamic advice to avoid things that are not beneficial.
  4. Contemplating the Hereafter and True Life
    Focusing on the afterlife will make us calmer in living the life of the world. Remember that the life of this world is only temporary and the most important thing is how we prepare ourselves for the next life. In a hadith, the Prophet SAW reminded, “Be you in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler.” (HR. Bukhari). This teaches us not to be too attached to worldly things and to always remember our ultimate goal in life.

Islam does not prohibit its followers from enjoying the life of the world as long as they do not forget about worship and stay within the limits of Sharia. However, Islam encourages its followers to live in a balanced way, not to go overboard in pursuing the pleasures of the world, and not to get caught up in a race that only satisfies lust.

FOMO can be overcome by strengthening faith and gratitude, and by living a simpler and more meaningful life. Avoiding the anxiety of FOMO is not just about limiting the desire to follow trends, but also about realizing the higher and nobler values of life.

FOMO is a phenomenon that many young people experience, especially in this fast-paced digital era. However, as Muslims, we are taught to live a life of gratitude, balance and moderation in our pursuit of worldly things. Islam offers life guidance that helpIslam’s view on FOMO: Guarding the Heart & Gratitudes us avoid excessive anxiety and focus on more meaningful things, both in this world and the hereafter.

Let’s take the teachings of Islam as a guideline to live life with more peace of mind and not be burdened by ever-changing trends. That way, we can achieve true happiness and not be easily swayed by the anxiety of being left behind.