BANDUNG, WEST JAVA — Through the Gemilang Islamic Boarding School, Dompet Dhuafa once again brought together elderly donors. A total of 19 donors from Jabodetabek and West Java attended this activity for three days, from Friday (4/5/2024) to Sunday (6/5/2024) at Emaki Almasoem Resort, Lembang, West Bandung.
Surrounded by beautiful nature, this activity is packed with various activities in it, both indoors and outdoors. Indoor activities include studies. Starting from worldly and ukhrawi studies, to physical and spiritual ones. Not only that, physical activities are also often carried out in every activity session.
Their enthusiasm in participating in this activity is very high. Some of them turned out to be alumni of Pesantren Gemilang which was held previously. Their enthusiasm is what makes Dompet Dhuafa also more enthusiastic and concerned to present a series of positive and certainly fun activities.
Read also: Pesantren Gemilang: Let the age be old, but not the Spirit
Dompet Dhuafa’s GM of Technology and Communication, Dian Mulyadi, said that due to various factors, people in their golden years may start to feel lonely. Some may already live alone or have lived away from their children. Through the Pesantren Gemilang activity, Dompet Dhuafa provides a platform for them to create a new family or community.
With this forum, participants can share stories and motivate each other. Dompet Dhuafa is also happy to assist them by providing the services needed, such as counseling, both related to physical, psychological, and spiritual. This is very important for them in living their retirement as well as gathering as much provision as possible to be brought before Allah Swt.
Before the creation of this Gemilang Pesantren for donors, there was already a similar activity but it was intended for elderly beneficiaries. After the success of the event, it was felt that it would be great if it was also held for elderly donors.
“We invite them to meet each other, stay in touch, share stories, and motivate each other. This activity aims to strengthen the bond between Dompet Dhuafa and the donors. However, Dompet Dhuafa also does not limit the general public, especially the elderly, who are interested in participating in this event,” explained Dian.
Dompet Dhuafa understands that the older a person gets, the narrower their social interactions will be. In fact, it often leads to loneliness. So Pesantren Gemilang is here to assist the elderly to continue to be productive in the golden age. Several sessions held at the fourth Pesantren Gemilang in Lembang also presented several competent speakers. Among them was the session “Knowing Yourself, Reaching the Divine” presented by KH. Wafiudin Sakam. Furthermore, there was a session on “Staying Productive at the Golden Age” by Jamil Azzaini, journaling and mindfulness techniques with Bunda Sofie Betrix, “Healthy at the Golden Age” material by Dr. Yenni Purnamasari, and “We and Wealth” material by Ustaz Ahmad Fauzi Qosim.
At the end of the agenda before returning home, the participants had the opportunity to try one of the sports that became the sunnah of the Apostle, namely archery. Then, they also visited one of Dompet Dhuafa’s economic empowerment programs in Lembang, namely Desa Tani, while harvesting directly in the garden.
“With a variety of activities we design with the hope of being a means of getting rid of loneliness, so that the elderly are able to be independent, active, healthy, pious, and remain useful in old age,” continued Dian.
One of the female participants, Lena Hayati (69), admitted that her participation in this event was the answer to her needs. She said that some time ago she intended to refresh her mind with a vacation in nature. But in addition, she also wanted to do self-muhasabah by attending studies to increase motivation. Unexpectedly, in the midst of this dilemma, he got information about the Gemilang Islamic Boarding School which was held on the day he wanted to do both.
“Incidentally, my need is to do self-muhasabah as well as healing in a beautiful nature. I also love to observe nature. Then suddenly I got information about this event, so I think this is a very appropriate opportunity. Once rowed, two/three islands were reached. The activities were in line with my expectations and needs. I believe this is the answer of Allah who hears the needs of his servants,” he said.
This Gemilang Pesantren activity is certainly expected to continue. This hope also arises from every participant involved. Dompet Dhuafa is very open to input and suggestions so that this kind of activity can continue to develop better. This fourth Pesantren Gemilang was held in a better way for the evaluation and improvement of the previous three events. It was held once in Sukabumi, West Java, and twice in Malang, East Java. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Riza Muthohar
Editors: Dhika Prabowo, Ronna