Fragrance in Islam: Part of Worship, Not Just to Cover Body Odour

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Applying the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad should be on our bucket list as much as possible. Including modelling how the Prophet groomed himself every day. One thing that the Prophet liked the most was wearing fragrance or perfume, especially when he wanted to worship. Therefore, wearing fragrance in Islam is sunnah and part of the worship that we must emulate.

Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) once said, ‘The Sunnah is like the ship of Noah (peace be upon him), whoever boards it will be saved and whoever does not board it will sink’. So, as good Muslims we need to apply what the Prophet Muhammad also applied in his life, including wearing fragrances. But before applying it, we need to know first how the history of the use of fragrances in Islam.

Fragrances in Islam

Fragrances have played an important role in Islamic culture for centuries. From wearing perfumed oils to worship, burning incense as a room fragrance, to the development of elaborate perfumes and attars by Muslim scholars. And one reason why fragrance is important in Islamic culture is because it was a favourite of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Prophet was famous for his love of fragrance. In fact, the Prophet regularly used perfumes and scented oils in his daily life. He also once said, ‘Perfume is the food of heaven’. Islamic tradition records that Prophet Muhammad encouraged the use of fragrances in daily life and before performing religious rituals.

For example, the Prophet Muhammad used to wear perfume when going to pray. It has also become a recommended religious practice for Muslims to wear perfume when attending Friday prayers. The use of fragrances is also recommended during other religious celebrations such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

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The Law of Marriage in Islam

Marriage is a recommendation in Islam. This means that the rules of marriage are not coercive. In some conditions, the consequences of the law of marriage can change, it can become obligatory, sunnah, makruh, and haram. Here is the explanation:

  • Wajib
    A Muslim is obliged to get married when the desire for marriage has arisen and it is difficult for him to avoid adultery. Marriage is also obligatory for Muslims who are financially capable.
  • Sunnah
    Marriage is Sunnah for a Muslim who is financially capable, but feels able to avoid fornication.
  • Makruh
    The ruling on marriage is makrooh for a Muslim who has no income at all. Even if he is old enough to have sex, getting married is makrooh.
  • Haram
    The haram ruling on marriage can arise from many factors. For example, if a person is financially incapable of providing for his or her family; if there is a lack of ability to raise a family; if there is a lack of ability to have a good sexual relationship, these are all factors that make marriage unlawful.

    Marriage can also become haraam if its legal conditions and obligations are not fulfilled, or even violated. There are many classifications of marriage that are forbidden in Islam such as nikah mut’ah (a type of contract marriage) and nikah syighar (like bartering). Indications of injustice in the household such as domestic violence can also make marriage unlawful.

Read also: Here’s Islam’s View on Getting Married in the Month of Suro or Muharram, Is It OK?

Wedding illustration.

Prophet Muhammad’s Example in Marriage

In order for marriage not to be scary, husbands need to emulate the attitude of the Prophet Muhammad Saw to his wives during marriage. Not only for husbands, this can also be emulated by wives.

The Prophet has given an example of how we should sail the household well, so that the purpose of marriage or marriage, namely sakinah (peace) can be achieved. Because, after all, the household life of the Prophet Muhammad Saw is an application of Qur’anic values.

  • Comforting the heart of a sad wife

The Prophet always listened to his wife’s heartache, comforted her if she was hurt, wiped her tears and replaced them with a smile. This can be known from the history that tells about the relationship between the wives of the Prophet Muhammad Saw.

Once Hafshah bint Umar bin Khattab, the Prophet’s wife, uttered words that hurt Shafiyyah, the Prophet’s other wife. Hafshah mocked Shafiyyah as a ‘Jewish daughter’. Indeed, Shafiyyah was the daughter of Huyay, a prominent Jewish leader from Banu Nadhir. Even so, Hafshah’s words made Shaffiyah cry.

Then, Shaffiyah complained to the Prophet and the Prophet said, ‘You are the daughter of a prophet, your uncle is a prophet, and you are under the shade of a prophet. So what does she boast about you?’.

  • Be romantic

Prophet Muhammad Saw always kept the love in his household always blossomed, one of the ways was by being romantic. Being a prophet and apostle prevented the Prophet from being romantic to his wife.

Sayyidah Aisha once narrated that one day the Prophet once bit the meat in the bite marks of Sayyidah Aisha and drank from the mouth of his wife. When night fell, the Prophet also took Sayyidah Aisha for a walk while talking.

These are all romantic gestures that the Prophet showed to his wife. Eating and drinking in the same container, even right on the former lips of his wife. The intimacy was even maintained by the Prophet when his wife was menstruating.

Ummu Salamah once said, ‘When I lay down with the Messenger of Allah on the floor, suddenly I menstruated. I went out to get my menstrual clothes. He asked, ‘Why do you, are you menstruating?’ I replied, ‘Yes’. He then called me, and I slept with him on the low floor.’

  • Not burdening the wife

The Prophet never burdened his wife. He always did his own work. The Prophet even embroidered his own torn clothes, sewed his own broken sandals, and helped his wife complete the housework.

‘The Prophet always did household chores (helping with household affairs). When prayer time came, he went out to pray,’ Sayyidah Aisha said in a narration.

  • Always involving the wife

The Prophet Muhammad Saw often confided in his wife about everything he was facing. By telling his wife, the Prophet hoped that a solution would be found. Ummu Salamah is one of the Prophet’s wives who is famous for her intelligence. She also became one of the wives who often became the Apostle’s confiding friend.

Evidently, Sayyidah Ummu Salamah had several times provided solutions to the problems that befell the Prophet. Among other things, the incident after the signing of the Hudaibiyah Agreement in the 6th year H. The Hudaibiyah Agreement was considered by the companions to be detrimental to Muslims. The reason is, according to the contents of the agreement, Muslims who at that time wanted to perform Umrah. They will only be allowed to perform Umrah next year. After signing the agreement, the Prophet invited his companions to shave their respective hair in order to make tahalul before returning to Medina. However, the companions were reluctant to obey the Prophet’s invitation.

This made the Prophet ‘upset’. He then told the incident to Umm Salamah who was then in the group. Umm Salamah said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, go out so that they see you, but do not speak to anyone. Then slaughter your camel and call a barber to cut your hair.’

The Messenger of Allah took his wife’s advice. He then went out of his tent, did not speak to anyone, then slaughtered his camel and shaved his head. And indeed, after the Messenger carried out Umm Salamah’s suggestion, the Companions flocked to follow what the Messenger did.

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  • Not hitting or hurting the wife

Once Aisha spoke in a high tone to the Prophet. Abu Bakr, who was at the Prophet’s residence at the time, overheard and was not willing for the Prophet to be treated like that. In fact, Abu Bakr tried to hit Aisha, but the Prophet hurriedly prevented him.

Prophet Muhammad did not want his wife to be hurt, even by his own parents or the Prophet himself. The attitude of the Prophet Muhammad who never hit or hurt his wife was reinforced by Aisha’s statement in a narration. Aisyah said, Rasulullah never hit his wife once. In fact, he was always the solace of his wife who cried for some reason.

When disputing, the Prophet never involved emotions. When angry with Aisha, the Prophet said, ‘Close your eyes!’ Then Aisha closed her eyes in anxiety, worried about being scolded by the Prophet. The Prophet said, ‘Come closer!’. When Aisha came closer, the Prophet embraced her and said, ‘My Humairah, my anger has gone after embracing you’.

  • Be gentle

‘Be careful, O Anjasyah, slow down if you are escorting a glass (goblet) (meaning women).’ (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

Based on the above Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH likened women to a glass cup. If the glass is broken, it is almost impossible for someone to repair the broken glass and return it to its original state. So it is recommended for husbands not to make their wives’ hearts hurt. Because, it will be difficult to heal it.

Such is the example of the Prophet Muhammad Saw for a husband in treating his wife in marriage. This can be applied in every Muslim household, so that the Marriage is Scary trend is no longer felt or feared by the community.

Friends, in addition to applying the example of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, households can also be maintained by not leaving worship, carrying out His commands, and practicing the Prophet’s sunnah. One of them is by giving alms. This is because almsgiving has a function to ward off bad luck and disasters in life. Charity can also ease our burden, as well as the burden of others, and bring blessings in life. (RQA)

Translator : Syafira