SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA — After successfully running a waqf-based school, that is SMART Ekselensia Indonesia school in Bogor, Dompet Dhuafa continues to develop a waqf atmosphere in the education sector. In 2019, on a 2.2-hectare waqf land in Cicurug District, Sukabumi, West Java, Dompet Dhuafa began building a waqf-based tahfidz boarding school.
The construction of this tahfidz boarding school continues to grow and has succeeded in attracting the attention of waqf activists, one of which is PT Asuransi Generali Indonesia. On Thursday (20/7/2023), Head of Sharia Ecosystem & Partnership Sharia Unit of PT Asuransi Generali Indonesia, Agus Ismail and his staff made a visit program to Pesantren Tahfidz Green Lido (PTGL) Dompet Dhuafa. This visit was welcomed by the Director of Mobilization and Resources of Dompet Dhuafa, Etika Setiawanti and her staff.
On her occasion, Etika said that now the buildings that are available and functioning well are the mosque and the green house. Furthermore, in the near future Dompet Dhuafa plans to build a dormitory building for students and teachers so that they can carry out the teaching and learning activities properly and comfortably.
While waiting for adequate facilities, the students are still conducting teaching and learning activities in the building owned by SMART Ekselensia Indonesia in Parung, Bogor. SMART Ekselensia itself has produced many outstanding students, its graduates have proven to be able to enter state universities, even most of whom get scholarships.
With the presence of this waqf-based tahfidz boarding school, Dompet Dhuafa seeks to add religious value to children who actually have above-average abilities, but are constrained by costs, especially in terms of Quranic tahfiz knowledge.
Etika further said, at first Dompet Dhuafa tried to build this boarding school because of the trust from a waqif (a person who performs waqf) in the form of 2.2 hectares of land. It was 2018, the message from the waqif was that this trust should function as a tahfidz boarding school. This is in line with what Dompet Dhuafa aspires to produce younger generations of Quran memorizers.
Also read: Resmi Dibuka! Dompet Dhuafa Helat Qur’an Camp Pesantren Tahfidz Green Lido
“Today Dompet Dhuafa and Generali Indonesia are here with the intention of jointly completing the construction of Tahfidz Green Lido Islamic Boarding School,” said Etika.
Generali Indonesia has long been a strategic partner of Dompet Dhuafa, in this case, in terms of waqf. Previously, Dompet Dhuafa and Generali had carried out synergies of kindness, some of which were waqf wells and waqf ambulances. This time, the Generali team accompanied by the Dompet Dhuafa team visited PTGL to see directly the progress of the construction of this Islamic boarding school.
“Alhamdulillah, today Generali Indonesia had the opportunity to visit PTGL Sukabumi which is managed by Dompet Dhuafa. With this visit, it further motivates us to promote waqf, especially waqf of insurance benefits for customers, so that we can develop this boarding school. We believe that with education, culture and progress in the future will be achieved,” said Agus, Head of Generali Syariah.
Generali Indonesia admitted that it was amazed by Dompet Dhuafa in developing the waqf universe, especially in the education sector. Generali’s interest in the development of PTGL sparked enthusiasm to take a role. In the future, Generali and Dompet Dhuafa will plan a strategic collaborAction to develop the waqf universe in Green Lido. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)