SOUTH TANGERANG — The participants of the communication learning class of Dai Empowerment School Batch 8 which was held at the Syahida Inn Auditorium, UIN Syarief Hidayatullah Jakarta on Thursday (3/11) shared their experiences and enthusiasm when attending the class. The Dai Pemberdaya School is an empowerment program carried out by the Dai Dompet Dhuafa Corps (Cordofa) with a noble goal, namely increasing dai competence in the fields of religion, Ziswaf (zakat, infak, alms, and Waqf), and sociotechnopreneurship.
In the schedule, Dompet Dhuafa presented two competent speakers in their fields to deliver material on journalism and authorship, as well as journalistic photography. They are Taufan Yusuf Nugroho as Public Relations Manager of Dompet Dhuafa and Andhika Satria Prabowo as Journalist of Dompet Dhuafa.
A total of 15 asatidz attended as participants in the event. They also come from various regions in Indonesia, namely from the Jabodetabek, Aceh, Kendari, to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) regions. Furthermore, graduates of the Dai Pemberdaya School are expected to be able to broadcast ziswaf Dompet Dhuafa da’wah and have a sincere, moderate, professional character, integrity and love for the country.
During the event, the dai candidates participants also seemed enthusiastic about listening to the material presented by the two speakers. The enthusiasm can be seen from the many questions the participants threw at the speakers, so the class discussion was lively. After attending this communication class, the participants felt that they had gained many benefits. One of them is as felt by Ustaz Mirza, who began to know how to package and document events with makeshift equipment but still able to produce maximum and good output.
Also Read: Sekolah Dai Pemberdaya Batch 8: Wujud Konsistensi Dompet Dhuafa Entaskan Kemiskinan
“When we go into the field, we are required to make a report to donors. Thus building public trust in the use of people’s funds. So it is necessary to make documentation well and of course, equipped with captions or writings. So it is necessary to create complete and relevant reporting content,” explained Ustaz Mirza.
The same thing was also felt by Ustaz Rizki, who claimed to have begun to understand how to “record” and document events that occurred in the field to be processed into journalistic work that could build the trust of Dompet Dhuafa donors. “When we go into the field, we are required to make a report to donors. Thus building public trust in the use of people’s funds. So it is necessary to make documentation well and of course equipped with captions or writings. So it is necessary to create complete and relevant reporting content,” said Ustaz Rizki.
There is also an opinion from Ustaz Arby who feels grateful for getting new knowledge related to journalism, especially since the communication class session is divided into two, discussing the technical details of journalistic products. “At the beginning (of the session) we were given a presentation of general knowledge and journalistic products, then in the second session it was more focused on the technical direction. This is an epiphany and a new insight for me,” explained Ustaz Arby.
Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa Resmi Buka Sekolah Dai Pemberdaya Batch 8
In addition to Ustaz Mirza, Ustaz Rizki, and Ustaz Arby, other dai candidates also expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm after attending the communication class of Dai Empowerment School Batch 8 on Thursday (3/11). Here’s what those who are grateful for after attending the Dai Empowerment School communication class say:
“From this, I take the message that in the field must be flexible and able to trigger sources when digging for information.” – Ustaz Fajar.
“The role and function of the media are very high. I am very grateful for such valuable knowledge. Here we gain knowledge of humanitarian journalism. Because our lives are full of information as technology develops and makes it easier to absorb information. This sharing is very important for us that is not obtained in lectures or anything.” – Jejen Purwanto.
“From this presentation, the presentation of videos and photos assembled in such a way has a strong message.” – Ustaz Mustafa.
“The photo presented must be able to speak. Then we need to add a message from the moment we captured before it was presented to the community.” – Ustaz Ilham.