Is it true that most people have said so far, that friendship opens the door to sustenance? Why is friendship so important, so that it can open the doors of sustenance for humans? Check out the following review.
Advice for Friendship in Islam
Through the Qur’an, Allah Almighty has implied that He encourages all His servants to establish friendship (silaturahmi) with their families and others. Because, friendship can be a milestone to strengthen many things. Start from unity, attention, affection to livelihood. That way, friendship can make it easier for a person to enter His heaven through the doors of goodness that open when establishing friendship.
“The believers are indeed brothers. Therefore, reconcile (mend the relationship) between your two brothers and fear God, that you may have mercy.” (QS. Al-Hujurat: 10)
Based on the above verse of the Qur’an, Allah encourages all His servants to establish friendship. Because, even though we were born with different origins and tribes, basically we are all brothers. With friendship, affection between us can also be awakened, so there will be no room for hostility. People who make friends worldwide will also be lucky in the afterlife. Because if we like to connect family ties, then God will also connect family ties with us in the doomsday.
Read also: 7 Keutamaan dan Makna Silaturahmi dalam Islam
“Say: “I do not ask you anything for my call except family affection.” And whoever does goodwill, We add unto him goodness to his good.” (QS. Ash-Shura: 23)
Friendship is more than just visiting or communicating with relatives and family. However, friendship means repairing a fractured relationship. The presence of mutual forgiveness can provide peace and peace in life. This is by the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW:
“It is not the one who keeps in touch with those who return visits or gifts, but the one who stays in touch is the one who connects what is broken.” (HR. Bukhari)
Who should we stay in touch with?
The first priority in connecting ties is with the closest family or family connected to nasab. Islam teaches to do good to brothers and relatives and is strictly forbidden to hurt his family’s feelings. Because, feelings of heartache that arise later may unwittingly cause a break in the relationship rope.
Quoted from the Journal of UIN Kudus about friendship (silaturahmi), in terms of its object, friendship is divided into types, namely the uterus in particular and the uterus in general. Friendship specifically, which is a friendship that is carried out based on fraternal relations or relatives connected by nasab or closest descendants. The value of friendship based on nasab kinship has a very high value, because there is a moral and material responsibility in it. This is by the words of Rasulullah SAW:
“Indeed, the Rasulullah SAW said: “Alms to the poor only gets alms, while alms to relatives (wombs) has two rewards, namely alms and shilah.” (HR. Ibn Huzaimah)
Also read: Silaturahmi Adalah Tali Persaudaraan, Bermakna, dan Bermanfaat
Second, friendship in general, is carried out based on relations between mankind (relationships of the same religion) as mentioned by Allah Almighty in the Qur’an surah Al-Hujurat verse 10.
From this verse, it is known that everyone who believes is a brother. For brotherhood to be established firmly and firmly, each other must do good by loving and loving each other. Friendship must be carried out for all Muslims, related to nasab relations and brotherly relations among Muslims. Even non-Muslims are required to do good.
Hadith Friendship Opens the Door of Rezeqi
“From Abu Hurairah (ra). I heard the Prophet SAW say: Whoever likes to have his fortune extended and his life prolonged, let him shilah al-rahim.” (HR. Bukhari) (Muttafaq Alaih)
Through the hadith above, the Rasulullah SAW mentioned that his fortune will continue to flow with someone who continues to establish friendship. Sustenance in this case, means material, health, a happy family, a supportive environment, and so on. On the other hand, the Prophet also intended to encourage all his people to do something good through this hadith.
Also read: Amalan Pembuka Rezeki dan Berkah dalam Hidup Sehari-hari
Some scholars interpret that a lot of sustenance means having a lot of wealth. Meanwhile, some others mean that a lot of sustenance means blessings. Someone who stays in touch a lot certainly has many acquaintances, friends, and people who sympathize with him. A good temperament will foster love and affection from others.
No wonder the term “friendship opens the door of sustenance” continues to resonate and is believed to this day. Concrete examples are, for example, in terms of economic cooperation or building businesses. Everything will go smoothly if two people establish business together because of closeness and familiarity. In addition, if the relationship is well established with the family, sustenance, and kindness will continue to flow. Because sustenance is not only material but can also be in the form of food, energy, or other goodness.