JAKARTA – Dompet Dhuafa through the Community Service Agency (LPM) continues to provide the best service for patients at Shelter Sehati who come from various regions in Indonesia. On this occasion, in commemoration of National Mother’s Day, LPM Dompet Dhuafa held Rihlah Ceria Shelter Sehati by inviting patients and their companions to entertain and enjoy tours at Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Sunday (22/12/2024). They had the opportunity to visit various interesting destinations, such as seeing marine animals, various birds and watching various performances.
A mother from South Sulawesi, Sumarni, was happy to be able to participate in the Rihlah Ceria Shelter Sehati activity organized by the Dompet Dhuafa Community Service Institute (LPM). She is the mother of Nurjanah (7), a child who is undergoing treatment for leaky heart disease. For the past three months, Sumarni and Nurjanah have been staying at Shelter Sehati as a temporary shelter during their treatment in Jakarta.
According to Sumarni, activities such as this rihlah provide happiness and refresh their minds amidst the heavy struggle of facing treatment. For her, Shelter Sehati is not only a place to stay, but also a source of emotional support that helps them.
“For a moment, we forgot about our condition (illness). Very exciting, very happy, happy because children are happy to see dolphins and sea fish. I would like to thank Dompet Dhuafa for helping,” she said.
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Besides seeing the various animals, there was also a totebag painting session. Patients and caregivers enthusiastically drew and wrote their hopes or prayers to be granted health.
Passion for Health
Although in poor physical condition, the activity entitled “Rihlah Ceria Shelter Sehati” succeeded in fostering happiness and enthusiasm for the patients. Kamaludin, Head of LPM Dompet Dhuafa, explained that this activity was designed as entertainment for patients and companions in the midst of treatment routines.
“Participants are national referral patients who are at RSCM and then stop by Shelter Sehati. They are fighters for health, including from heart disease, cancer, & also tumors. The purpose of this activity is to provide enthusiasm and happiness for them, and this time also coincides with Mother’s Day, where the patient’s companions are his own mother,” he explained.
Shelter Sehati provides temporary housing for patients and families undergoing treatment at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) and Dharmais Hospital, two national referral hospitals that receive many patients from outside the city. This shelter is here to ease the burden on patients and families by providing free lodging during the treatment period. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and Photo: Anndini Dwi Putri, LPM
Editor : Dhika, TYN