Helping Cianjur Earthquake Victims, PT Kantara Indonesia Group Distributes Aid Through

JAKARTA – The earthquake in Cianjur occurred on last Monday (21/11/2022), and it had left a deep sorrow for the affected citizens. Moved by humanitarian basis, on Wednesday (30/11/2022), PT Kantara Indonesia Group together with Dompet Dhuafa took steps to provide aid to earthquake survivors in Cianjur, West Java.

The handover of the aid was symbolically represented by Richa Dwi Sari, HRGA of PT Kantara Indonesia Group to Utami Sri Lestari, Manager of Partnership and CSR of Dompet Dhuafa.

“Today there is indeed a handover at Dompet Dhuafa, where our company PT Kantara Indonesia Group wants to provide aid to earthquake victims in Cianjur. So far, as much as possible we are trying to help and build the country,” said Richa.

Handover of Aid for Cianjur Earthquake Survivors to Dompet Dhuafa

Read also: Cukur Seikhlasnya, Deft Barber dan Rodalink Bersama Dompet Dhuafa Bantu Korban Gempa Cianjur

On this occasion, representatives of PT Kantara Indonesia Group quickly responded by providing assistance of Rp.10,000,000, – which was expected to ease the burden on the victims.

“It is also hoped that those affected by disasters will feel more lightened by the assistance from those of us who can only help from afar and cannot come there immediately,” said Richa when interviewed on Wednesday (30/11/2022). 

It is known that PT Kantara Indonesia Group is an Indonesian holding company based in Indonesia. Kantara focuses on innovative business growth with an emphasis on four key sectors of Indonesia’s economic development: Natural Resources, Technology, Telecommunications and Property.