Helping three younger siblings’ school fees, a story of a fighter who returns home to service his motorcycle at the Mudik post

Cerita Pos Mudik Cirebon

CIREBON, WEST JAVA — “What I miss is talking to you,” said Rizal Sutikno (20), one of the travelers from Purworejo, Central Java, who stopped at the Dompet Dhuafa Cirebon Mudik Post.

With determination and recklessness, the third of six children made a long journey home. Rizal decided to leave alone from his residence in Tangerang to his beloved hometown in Purworejo using a motorcycle. He started his homecoming journey since Sunday (4/7/2024) in the early morning.


Rizal (left) riding his iron horse. The warrior returns home, riding towards his destination on Sunday (7/4/2024).

Rizal told Dompet Dhuafa that only about the first four hours of his journey, he had to go to a repair shop because there was a malfunction in the electrical partitions of his motorcycle. After being examined by a mechanic, the return fighter had to buy and replace some of these partitions so that his motorcycle would start again.

Read also: Take Your Little One on Homecoming, Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post Kids Corner Service is Ready to Entertain

After the problem was solved and he resumed his journey, about a hundred kilometers later his motorcycle had another problem. Rizal guided his motorcycle for a few kilometers as the sun’s heat rose overhead. This time, he went to the Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post in Cirebon. Yes, there was a free motorcycle service there.

“The oil, kiprok, and sepulnya are affected (problems) because of the heat. Now it has spread to the battery, I have to replace it again. Even though a week ago I had a service. I intended to save money going home by motorcycle, but there are obstacles. Yes, just enjoy it,” Rizal complained.

Free motorcycle service by the Institute of Independence (IK) at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post.
Free motorcycle service by the Institute of Independence (IK) at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post.

The author accompanied Rizal as he waited for his motorcycle partition to be tweaked by a volunteer mechanic who trained at the Institut Kemandirian (IK) vocational school.

“It’s only been a year since I migrated to Tangerang, and thank God I got a job at a foam mattress factory. Last year I went home by bus, so now I’m trying to go home by motorcycle for the first time to save money. This old motorcycle, Mas, was bought second-hand from my work, I don’t have anything yet,” said Rizal, modestly.

“My parents are happy that I finally got a job. In Purworejo we worked as farm laborers. Now that I’m overseas, it would be nice if we got together and I came home. My father is also sick now, so I help to support my three younger siblings who are still at school. That’s why I want to save money by going home on my motorcycle,” he continued.

Read also: Warm Post to Free Massage: Various Services in Banyuwangi Mudik Post

Institut Kemandirian (IK) volunteer mechanics work hard to ‘treat’ the motorbikes of Lebaran travelers at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post.

The author was stunned to learn that. “How cool!” I muttered.

In the challenge of his homecoming journey, Rizal was indeed struggling to get home. In his career endeavors, he is also fighting for his younger siblings. For Rizal himself, he feels he has nothing yet. But from a writer’s perspective, Rizal has a lot of ‘savings’ that he will enjoy in the future.

“My two older sisters, they used to help pay for my school fees,” Rizal admits.

“My father taught us to be polite and responsible. He also said, tinto ne isih ning pogo (the ink is still on top). It’s like we’re at the bottom, we have a pen, but the ink is still on top. So we can’t write and there’s no paper yet, so we grab the ink,” he explained, remembering his father’s meaningful words.

Read also: Stories of Travelers at Cirebon Mudik Post, from Acupuncture to Muhasabah to Enjoy the Journey

Rizal was relieved that there was a free motorcycle service by the Institute of Independence (IK) at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post.

Before we knew it, the mechanic had finished fixing Rizal’s motorcycle. Our conversation came to an end. But Rizal was relieved, because his motorcycle service was free at the Dompet Dhuafa Cirebon Mudik Post.

Syaiful Anwar, PIC of Motorcycle Service and IK Haircut at the Cirebon Mudik Post also conveyed recommended solutions for travelers who use motorcycle vehicles via the Pantura Route there.

“We urge you to always be careful. If tired, rest at the rest area, and pay attention to the ‘health’ of the vehicle we use for homecoming. Hopefully all travelers will arrive safely to their destination to celebrate the joy of gathering with their beloved families,” said Syaiful.

“For information, free motorcycle service and IK haircut are available at the Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post in the Cirebon, Nagrek and Cilegon areas. There is also a cellphone service at the Dompet Dhuafa Bantar Gebang and Kampung Rambutan Mudik Posts,” he added.

Read also: The post Free Homecoming and Returning Home: Easy and Quiet Homecoming, Happy Gathering

Free motorcycle service by the Institute of Independence (IK) at the Cirebon Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post.

One place, many services. That sentence is what is felt to describe Dompet Dhuafa’s efforts in accompanying the travelers’ journey with the Mudik Post service. “Family Friendly” is the theme of the Mudik Post carried by Dompet Dhuafa so that the momentum of Ramadan feels closer. Present to reach several strategic locations from the tip of Banten to the tip of East Java, Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Post began operating from April 5-9, 2024.

Yes, one of them is at the Cirebon Mudik Post which provides a variety of services including:

  1. Health Services (Health Check, Acupuncture, Lactation Corner, Stand by Medical & Ambulance)
  2. Motorcycle Service
  3. Massage Corner
  4. Haircut
  5. Warm Post (sharing sahur and iftar food)
  6. Kids Corner (Child Friendly Room and Charger Corner)
  7. Place of Worship
  8. Family Tent
Dompet Dhuafa volunteers distributed free suhoor meals to travelers on the Pantura route, Cirebon Mudik Post.

With a feeling of happiness and a collection of longing for his family, Rizal swiftly rode his iron horse. Struggling to continue his journey back home. Speeding towards his destination. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and Photo: Dhika Prabowo
Editors: Dedi Fadlil, Ronna