SOUTH SUMATRA — Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel holds the Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran or TPQ (Al Quran Education Park) program for children and adolescents. This program is actively starting from Tuesday (3/1/2023) at the E-Tahfidz Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatera Dormitory, Jl. Bintan RT.15 RW. 04 Lorok Pakjo IT 1 Palembang.
In this program, as many as 15 children become beneficiaries (PM) who regularly learn to read the Quran to memorize short surah (chapters). Meanwhile, the students of E-Tahfidz Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel who live in the dormitory become the teachers for pupils who memorize the Quran.
Ahmad Rais as the Implementer of the Da’wah Program of Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel said that this program was held in line with the reactivation of kegiatan belajar mengajar or KBM (teaching and learning activities) after the end of the school holidays.
“Alhamdulillah, after the school holiday schedule, the TPQ is now starting to be active again,” he said.
Also Read: Optimalisasi Program E-Tahfizh Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel
He also emphasized that Dompet Dhuafa Sumsel would continue to provide education for the underprivileged. Thus, he hoped that the next generation of this nation would become a generation that was tough, healthy, independent, smart, and successful in the world and also in the afterlife.
“We are committed to continuing to monitor the education of the underprivileged, with the hope that the next generation will become a generation that is tough, healthy, independent, smart, and successful in the world and afterlife,” Rais concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa/Sumsel/Muthohar)