Goat sacrifice for how many people often become a question. How many people can join the joint venture to buy a goat in sacrificial services? To answer this question, we will look at the opinions of scholars about the law of how many people can participate in the sacrifice of one goat.
The Law Sacrificial of a Goat in Islam
In Islam, a goat sacrifice is a form of worship with laws and provisions established based on valid Quranic postulates and hadiths. Before discussing the question of ‘sacrifice of goats for how many people’, we will first discuss the law of sacrificing a goat in Islam. The provision of the sacrifice of a goat is based on clear and unmistakable postulates in the Quran and hadith. Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Hajj verse 34:
“And to every people We have decreed slaughter, that they may call the name of God upon the cattle which He has sustained them. Your God is only the One True God, so surrender yourselves to him. And give glad tidings to those who are obediently submissive.” (QS. Al-Hajj: 34)
“And to every people We have decreed slaughter, that they may call the name of God upon the cattle which He has sustained them. Your God is only the One True God, so surrender yourselves to him. And give glad tidings to those who are obediently submissive.” (QS. Al-Hajj: 34)
“There is no practice of Adam’s posterity on the feast of sacrifice that God prefers more than shedding blood (slaughtering sacrificial animals); in fact, on the Day of Judgment, these animals will come complete with horns, hooves, and feathers. His blood will reach God as a sacrifice wherever the animal is slain before it reaches the ground, so let him slay it.” (HR. Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi)
From Aisha RA. He said, “Indeed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) slaughtered goats that had horns, tread with black palms, walked with black feet, and saw with black eyes.” (HR. At Tirmidhi, judged shahih).
From these postulates, we can know that goat sacrifice is a highly recommended worship in Islam. Through goat sacrifice, we show obedience and devotion to Allah SWT and show gratitude for His favour.
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Terms of Sacrifice of a Goat
Before carrying out the sacrifice of a goat, there are several provisions that we need to pay attention to. Here are some things to consider:
Quality and Condition of Goats
Choose goats that are healthy, strong, and qualified as sacrificial animals. The goat to be sacrificed must be of sufficient age, not deformed, and have reached the specified age limit.
Sincere Intention to Sacrifice for Allah’s Sake
Intend to sacrifice sincerely because of Allah SWT. The sincere intention is an important aspect of carrying out true worship. Lest when we sacrifice, there is little Riya intention and want to be praised for taking out treasures. Like the proverb tilapia spoils a speck of milk, a small mistake can ruin the savings of practice that have been accumulated.
The sacrificial slaughter of goats must be done correctly and under the ordinances recommended in Islam. This includes using a sharp knife, chanting the name of Allah Almighty, and performing slaughter quickly to avoid unnecessary suffering for the sacrificial animal. The time for sacrifice is carried out after the Eid al-Adha prayer is held until late evening.
Provisions for Meat Distribution
Goat sacrificial meat must be divided into three parts, namely for family, relatives, and people in need. These portions should be distributed fairly and proportionately to ensure that all recipients can enjoy the benefits of goat sacrifice.
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Scholars’ Opinion on How Many People Are There in Goat Sacrifice?
If we have sustenance, carrying out the sacrifice of one goat will certainly be easier, and there is no need to worry. However, every Muslim must also desire to sacrifice, even though the funds are limited. Therefore, we all must understand the law of how many people sacrifice goats.
The Law of Goat Sacrifice Joint Law for How Many People
Imam An-Nawawi in his book An-Nawawi, Al-Majmu’ Sharhul Muhadzdzab, juz 8, page 397 which explains the provisions for the sacrifice of a goat as follows.
تجزئ الشاة عن واحد ولا تجزئ عن أكثر من واحد لكن إذا ضحى بها واحد من أهل البيت تأدى الشعار في حق جميعهم وتكون التضحية في حقهم سنة كفاية وقد سبقت المسألة في أول الباب
Means: “A sacrificial goat is sufficient for one person and inadequate for more than one person. But if one member of the family sacrifices with one tail, then there is enough Islamic shiar in that family. Sacrificial worship in a family is sunnah kifayah. This matter was discussed at the beginning of the chapter.”
Purchase of goat sacrifice for only one person
Then Ibn Rushd from the Maliki Madhhab in the book Bidayatul Mujtahid wa Nihayatul Muqtashid, Beirut, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, page 396, also explains the reason why scholars agree that the sacrifice of one goat is only for one person, the following explanation:
وذلك أن الأصل هو أن لا يجزي إلا واحد عن واحد، ولذلك اتفقوا على منع الاشتراك في الضأن. وإنما قلنا إن الأصل هو أن لا يجزي إلا واحد عن واحد، لأن الأمر بالتضحية لا يتبعض إذ كان من كان له شرك في ضحية ليس ينطلق اسم مضح إلا إن قام الدليل الشرعي على ذلك
It means: “Because basically, one’s sacrificial worship is only sufficient for one person. Therefore the scholars were unanimous in rejecting the sacrificial fellowship of some people over a goat. Why do we say, ‘, Basically one’s sacrificial service is sufficient for only one person?’ The reason is the sacrificial commandment is not divided (for collectives, but per person). When people fellowship over a sacrificial animal, the title ‘sacrificial person’ does not exist on them. It’s another matter if there is a sharia proposition that shows that.”
The above postulate clarifies that one person can only sacrifice goat. It cannot be called a sacrificial service if you buy goats collectively. But it’s just an activity to buy goats.
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What About Goat Sacrifice in the Name of Family?
There is a postulate from Imam Muslim narrating the hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Holy Prophetsa slaughtered a lamb for sacrifice and prayed, “In the Name of Allah. O Allah, accept this sacrifice from Muhammad, Muhammad’s family and Muhammad’s people.” (Imam Muslim).
In the hadith of Abu Ayyub (may Allah be pleased with him), which says, “At the time of the Prophet sallallahu’ alaihi wa sallam, a person (husband) slaughtered a goat as a sacrifice for himself and his family.” (HR. Tirmidhi, he judged it sahih, Minhaajul Muslim, p. 26 and 266)
Reporting from the baznas.go.id page explained that sacrificing only one goat in the name of one family (berkurban hanya satu ekor kambing atas nama satu keluarga ) is indeed allowed. This law is the opinion of the Maliki Madhhab in At-Taj wa Iklil -one of the books of the Maliki Madhhab-(4:364). However, certain criteria can apply, namely families who:
- Living together
- Kinship
- Have one family and the same provider.
If these three conditions are met, the sacrifice is considered valid, and each family member will still get the reward. So that even though they have many family members, all can get the same reward from one sacrifice of goats or sheep represented by one person who sacrifices. The position that can be divided is the ‘reward’ of the sacrifice, not the joint cost of buying the sacrifice. The law of joint venture of goats for how many people only applies to one person who buys, although the reward can be for the family.
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Sacrificial Animals That Joint Venture May Sacrifice
The sacrifices that can be made collectively (kurban yang boleh dilakukan secara kolektif) or together are explained in the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Jabir bin Abdullah (r), “We have slaughtered sacrifices together with the Prophet (peace be upon him). In the year of Hudaibiyah, a camel for seven people and a cow for seven.”
The sacrifices that can be made collectively or together are explained in the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Jabir bin Abdullah (r), “We have slaughtered sacrifices together with the Prophet (peace be upon him). In the year of Hudaibiyah, a camel for seven people and a cow for seven.”
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Spread Sacrifices in Dompet Dhuafa
Strictly speaking, the law of goat sacrifice only applies to one person or represents one family. In carrying out goat sacrifices, it is important to always prioritize the purpose of sincere worship and sharing with others. May our sacrificial worship be accepted by Allah SWT and bring blessings to us and humanity. Friends, let’s join in spreading the blessings of sacrifice together by clicking the following link.