JAKARTA – Dompet Dhuafa’s friendship with the mustahiq (people who receive zakat) who have been becoming benefit recipients is very close. Long-term coaching programs to short-term charity distribution are the spearhead of Dompet Dhuafa in the eyes of the mustahiq. Among the services that Dompet Dhuafa has provided, it is expected to measure whether the distribution carried out is in accordance with the expectations of the mustahiq. Improving service quality with measurable studies will make it easier for institutions to make improvements.
Dompet Dhuafa through Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat (LPM) (Community Service Institute) in collaboration with Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ) held a Research Results Publication event with the topic of “The Work of LPM Dompet Dhuafa in Serving the People.” The event took place at Capital Eight, Jalan Duren Tiga Selatan, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, Friday (17/03/2023).
The event was also attended by Ustaz Ahmad Sonhaji as Director of Social, Da’wah, and Culture Services of Dompet Dhuafa, Bobby P. Manullang as GM of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Donor & Retail Services, M. Noor Awaluddin Asjhar as Head of LPM Dompet Dhuafa, Eko Sriyanto as Manager Makmal Pendidikan LPI Dompet Dhuafa, Prasetyo Wibowo as Manager of Training & Business Development IMZ, and Reita Annur as representative of the Health Division of Dompet Dhuafa.
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Noor Awaluddin as Head of LPM Dompet Dhuafa said, “The purpose of this research is to find out whether the services provided in various programs in LPM are already optimal or not, so that it becomes feedback for LPM if there still are services that are not optimal. By conducting this research, we get insight from the benefit recipients and that is what we need for future improvements,” explained Awaluddin.
The research that has been conducted by IMZ conducts research on nine LPM Dompet Dhuafa service programs, namely Mobile Kitchen (Darling) services, Bagian Pemulasaran Jenazah (Barzah), Bimbingan Rohani Pasien (Patients Spiritual Guidance), Bina Santri Lapas, Mustahiq Services, Pemberdayaan Keluarga Mandiri (Independent Family Empowerment), Yatim Tangguh Berdaya (Empowered Resilient Orphans), Sehati Shelter, and Pondok Sehat Jiwa (Mental Health Post). The respondents of this study are benefit recipients spread across several regions in Indonesia.
The results showed that the performance of nine LPM services was already very good. This can be seen from the index on 7 services that obtained values above 80 with a very satisfied predicate and 2 other services above a value of 70 with a satisfied predicate. Bina Santri Lapas occupies the top position for service satisfaction with a satisfaction index value of 95.2%, followed by Sehati Shelter in second position with a satisfaction index value of 91.72%, and Patient Spiritual Guidance in third position with a satisfaction index value of 91.18%. Meanwhile, two services that obtained a score below 80 with a satisfied predicate were Mustahiq Service with a satisfaction index value of 78.6% and Yatim Tangguh Berdaya with a satisfaction index value of 72.41%.
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Ustaz Ahmad Sonhaji revealed that this achievement is a long journey for Dompet Dhuafa to continue to improve services to the society in the form of services to the mustahiq.
“Dompet Dhuafa is an institution entrusted with providing services to the society. Automatically the service can be a service in serving donors, that is by accepting donations, then serving the mustahiq, that is by distributing donations. Therefore, both must be balanced in the service process, both service to the muzaki (people who give zakat) and service to the mustahiq (people who receive zakat). As an institution that provides services to the society and one of them is building public trust, these two services become the concentration for Dompet Dhuafa,” explained Ahmad Shonhaji.
Although the results of the study found that there were still some shortcomings felt by the benefit recipients, Bobby P. Manullang as GM of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Donor & Retail Services is committed to making improvements.
“No matter how small the record or flaw, it must be corrected, it is absolute, because like the principle of the proverb one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. It means we have to care, this has to be fixed,” said Bobby.
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“Therefore, we will compile the notes and we will finish them all in the nearest future. Perhaps these records are due to many factors. We in the donor service division are preparing a one-stop service system, where later the donor service will be served by unified service standards from all organ managers which exist in Dompet Dhuafa,” he added.
“I’m very grateful to Dompet Dhuafa for this Barzah Service. At that time I panicked and didn’t know who to ask for help. Alhamdulillah, there was Dompet Dhuafa who helped. Please this free ambulance service still be held and please be more widely socialized to the underprivileged societies, because it is very helpful for people like me,” said Ida, a benefit recipient of Barzah Dompet Dhuafa service. (Dompet Dhuafa/Zahidah)