BOGOR, WEST JAVA — The Teras Muda Community held a Youth ‘N Community Camp event at the King Abdurrahman Al Khair Mosque, Cibinong, Bogor, on Saturday-Sunday (29-30/10/2022). Entitled “Sumpah ‘INI’ Pemuda”, Teras Muda also collaborated with Dompet Dhuafa and collaborated with various communities, including Ghuraba Youth Crew, Indonesia Tanpa JIL, and Yuk Ngaji Bogor.
Also attending and filling in the material at the beginning of the event, M. Syafi’ie El-Bantanie as Manager of Waqf Asset Utilization and Vice Chairman of Wakaferse 2022 Dompet Dhuafa, explained that young people are the most important factor in the phase of change in kindness. He also said, learning from Sirah Nabawiyah, Dompet Dhuafa is very concerned about young people as the birth of a generation of civilization builders.
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“Talks of the future is actually talking about young people. Insya Allah, Dompet Dhuafa is concerned for young people. In the program, we support communities, besides that, we also have scholarships for the junior and senior high school levels of SMART Ekselensia Islamic Boarding School, college too, we have the beastudi Ethos program, there is also BAKTI NUSA (Nusantara Activist Scholarship),” said Syafi’ie.
Youth ‘N Community Camp was held in the gathering of the Youth Pledge and the momentum of Wakaferse. To always echo the spirit of youth as stakeholders to revitalize the spirit of Waqf, provide positive activities, and also trigger the contribution of young people to work for Indonesia.
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Their Story:
“Yes, interestingly, these are all management of ZIS (Zakat, Infak, Sadaqah) and Waqf. Zakat is a mandatory alms and Waqf is sunnah alms, however, the benefits and rewards flow. Because of Waqf, said the Prophet, the concept is to hold the point and flow the benefits so that they are productive,” he added. (Dompet Dhuafa / Nusratul / Dhika Prabowo)