Inaugurated Madina Green House, Dompet Dhuafa Empowers the Community in the Economic Sector While Inviting Young People to Farm


BOGOR — On Sunday (2/4/2023), the Director of Resource Mobilization of Dompet Dhuafa, Etika Setiawanti inaugurated the Madina Green House program in the Madina Dompet Dhuafa Zone Integrated Area, Parung, Bogor. This program comes from the collaboration of Dompet Dhuafa with PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia and PT Alif Techno Farm. This inauguration was carried out simultaneously with the first harvest of hydroponic melons managed at Madina Green House Dompet Dhuafa.

Madina Green House Dompet Dhuafa itself is a hydroponic melon cultivation program designed as a means for young people to learn agriculture, especially melon farming. The existence of Green House in the Madina Zone Area to produce high-quality products that have high economic value and benefit the community, especially mustahik or beneficiaries who today are part of the Madina Zone Green House production process.

Etika Setiawanti also appreciates the synergy of kindness established between Dompet Dhuafa and PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia. The hope is that this collaboration will be more comprehensive so that more beneficiaries will feel it and more mustahik will become muzaki.

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Abdur Rohman, one of the beneficiaries and manager of Madina Green House while harvesting melons.
Speech by Etika Setiawanti, Director of Resource Mobilization of Dompet Dhuafa.

“It is a pleasure to be with PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia in launching and harvesting the first melon at our Green House Madina Zone, Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Area. We want to show that this program is a form of Ziswaf fund management that we collect from all levels of society, donors who have contributed to Dompet Dhuafa,” said Etika.

Founder of PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia, drg. Aynie Yunita said that Dompet Dhuafa has always been transparent in its collaboration with PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia. According to him, this project is getting excellent results. He also hopes to provide support for all the pillars of Dompet Dhuafa.

“We support a lot of several pillars of Dompet Dhuafa and thank God we are pleased. With our cooperation so far, it can be seen that from what we support, we can get transparency. We can see its development directly too, very innovative and very okay. In the future, we highly recommend others be able to channel their CSR funds in collaboration with us. Thank you for helping us benefits many communities, “added drg. Aynie Yunita.

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Parni Hadi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika, gives a speech at the Launching of Madina Green House.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, Parni Hadi first picked melons accompanied by Bambang Suherman, Program Director of Dompet Dhuafa.

Along with this, the launching of Madina Green House was also attended by Parni Hadi as the initiator and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa. Parni explained that the initiated program must prosper the duafa and have a significant impact.

“To prosper the duafa, we compete for programs, smart fights, and benefit contests. If it is beneficially felt by mustahik, by the poor we deliberately want to glorify,” Parni said in his speech.

Madina Green House has an area of 15×6 meters and takes 65-70 days to harvest. After being tested using a brix refractometer sweetness measuring device, hydroponic melons managed by Dompet Dhuafa have reached 12 out of 14. In addition, this hydroponic melon also uses smart farming technology adopted from Australia, which after being tested gets maximum results. Udhi Kurniawan, General Manager (GM) of Madina Zone revealed, Madina Green House uses two methods, namely drip irrigation or drip irrigation system and smart nutrition valve system.

“We use two irrigation methods, the first is the drip irrigation method, the second is the smart nutrient valve or katup nutrisi pintar (KNP). The second method is a method that is still very rarely used in Indonesia, adopting irrigation methods from Australia. So, the tool that we call (KNP) is produced in Australia, then we present it here and we will test it and see the results are quite good. We will set up a larger Green House so that more mustahik are involved in the production process and the benefits can also be felt,” explained Udhi

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Ribbon cutting as a sign of the inauguration of Madina Green House Melon Hydroponics by Dompet Dhuafa and representatives of PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia.
One of the beneficiaries of Madina Green House when participating in harvesting melons.

The existence of Madina Green House, in addition to showing young people that farming is a fun job, also has productive economic value and can empower mustahik. One of the people who felt the impact was Abdur Rohman. Previously, Abdur did not have a job and felt helped by this program. Not only improving the economy for Abdur, this program also adds to his insight in agriculture or hydroponic plantations.

“I am interested in learning, adding knowledge in agriculture. Because previously I didn’t know the name hydroponics, I know more recently. So, at that time I was not working and just at home, then alhamdulillah I got an offer here and made a match with Dompet Dhuafa,” said Abdur Rohman, beneficiary and manager of Madina Green House.

Symbolic handover of compensation to orphans by PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia.

In the first cycle, Madina Green House chose two melon commodities, namely golden aromatic minion and golden emerald inthanon. Based on data in the field, these two melon commodities have a very high selling value. As a result, Dompet Dhuafa has superior commodities and can improve the community’s standard of living or mustahik who are the program’s beneficiaries.

This activity was then continued with the provision of compensation to orphans by PT Audy Mandiri Indonesia. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)