CIPUTAT, SOUTH TANGERANG — On Wednesday (26/4/2023), the Indonesian Converts Islamic Boarding School (Pemulia) Dompet Dhuafa again held an annual routine event, namely the 1444 H Hari Raya Open House.
Still, in the atmosphere of Eid, the ranks of Dompet Dhuafa Da’wah Service Officers, along with 45 students assisted by the Indonesian Converts Islamic Boarding School, participated in this open house activity at the Dompet Dhuafa Da’wah Building located in the Ciputat Indah Permai Ruko Complex.
Hosted by Ustazah Gita Fatmawati, the open house was solemn. The event began with remarks from Ustaz Fajar Shofari Nugraha, a leader of Pemulia of Dompet Dhuafa.
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If in this month of Shawwal, we feel our worship is great, life has many improvements and improvements, then God willing, it is a sign that we get la’allakum tattaqun or Ramadan we are successful,” he said
In the tausiyah session, Ustadz Herman Budianto, GM of Da’wah and Culture of Dompet Dhuafa, also emphasized that Ramadan is the month of tazkiyatun nafs and increases gratitude. According to him, one of the signs of the success of Ramadan for Muslims is that we can feel that the soul is getting cleaner, and gratitude is said more often.
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The open house of Pemulia Dompet dhuafa was then closed with a prayer led by Ustaz Muhammad Aris Alwi. He prayed that Allah SWT would always give all students assisted by the Indonesian Converts Islamic Boarding School Dompet Dhuafa different faith and purity, sustenance blessings, and ages.
The series of events was closed with hospitality and the distribution of gifts for all participants present. This open house also indicates that activities at the Pesantren Mualaf Indonesia Dompet Dhuafa in all zoning are ready to run again. (Dompet Dhuafa/Cordofa)