Intention to Pay Ramadan Fasting Debt and How

The intention to pay Ramadan fasting debt needs to be recited to fulfil the Qadha Fast. If during Ramadan (Bulan Ramadan) you guys cannot fast because they are uzur, they are obliged to do Qadha fasting outside the month of Ramadan. What is Qadha fasting like? How to apply it? The following is a reading of intentions and procedures for paying Ramadan fasting debts.

Understanding Qadha Fasting

Qadha fasting is a fast carried out by a Muslim who had not fasted during Ramadan (ibadah puasa saat Bulan Ramadan) because of uzur. For example, uzur such as illness, being on a long trip, pregnant or lactating women, menstruating or postpartum women, people who have lost their sanity, and elderly parents who are already physically weak, may not observe Ramadan fasting. This condition is called mukallaf according to Islamic law.

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Fasting Qadha is obligatory, this is based on the word of Allah SWT in the Quran surah Al-Baqarah verses 183 and 184 which means, “O believers, it is obligatory upon you to fast as it was required of those before you that you may be pious. (That is) a certain number of days. Then whoever of you is sick or on the way (and does not fast), then (is obliged to substitute) as many days (that he does not fast) on other days. And for those who are hard to run, it is obligatory to pay fidyah to feed a poor man. But whoever willingly works virtue is better for him, and your fasting is better for you if you know.” Al-Baqarah [2]: 183-184).

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Time of Qadha Fasting

A Muslim must observe the Qadha Fast several days of Ramadan fasting are abandoned. For example, if a Muslim does not fast during Ramadan for seven days, he is obliged to pay with the fast of Qadha as much as seven days. The best time for fasting Qadha is as soon as possible after the end of Ramadan and before the next year’s Ramadan. 

The implementation of the time of fasting Qadha is based on the postulate of the Hadith Narrated Al-Bukhari, from Aisha radhiyallahu anha said, “I used to have dependents/debts of Ramadan fasting, and I could not qadha it (because there were obstacles so delayed) except after the month of Sha’ban.” (H.R. Al-Bukhari)

This hadith is a reference for scholars that to pay Ramadan fasting debts can be done from Shawwal to Sha’ban. This means for eleven months other than Ramadan. If there are no obstacles, Muslims should pay immediately and not procrastinate.

Qadha fasting can be done on any day, including Friday. However, during the days that are forbidden to fast, the Qadha Fast should not be done. These days are Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the days of Tasyrik on 11-13 Zul-Hijah.

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If You Have Not Fasted to Pay Ramadan Debts

God never places burdens beyond the ability of His servants. God gives us great relief. The proof can be seen from the time of Ramadan debt payment fasting can be carried out within eleven months and can be carried out intermittently. However, sometimes we are in such a difficult condition that just paying for fasting has not materialized, and it does not feel that the next month of Ramadan has arrived. So what is the law?

  1. Carry out the Intention to Pay Ramadan Fasting Debt after the next Ramadan

Sometimes a Muslim’s condition is difficult to carry out the Qadha Fast until the next Ramadan arrives. This is due to the condition of women who are pregnant for nine months and have difficulty fasting (hamil selama sembilan bulan dan kesulitan melaksanakan puasa), or people who are sick for a long time, and parents who are physically weak for a long time. People in this category are allowed to fast after the next Ramadan. The scholar Imam ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) explained, “He is not obliged to pay the kaffarah, if he ends the qadha due to his illness until the next Ramadan. But if he ends the qadha because he takes it for granted, he is obliged to qadha and pay the kaffarah by feeding the poor a certain number of days of his fasting debt.”

  1. Opinion of Hanafi Scholars: Qadha Without Paying Fidyah

If someone delays paying the Qadha Fast until the next Ramadan arrives, even though in eleven months he is not in a state of uzur, there are different views of scholars to pay the fasting debt. The hanafi scholars argue that they are not obliged to pay fidyah. But it is enough to fast. Imam al-Albani thinks the same. According to him, there is no saying of the Holy Prophetsa who said clearly about the obligation to pay fidyah (membayar fidyah)if he has not paid the fasting debt until the next Ramadan arrives. This opinion is based on Surah Al-Baqarah verse 184:

“Whoever is sick or on the way (and breaks his fast), then (he must fast) as many days as he has left on other days”. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 184)

  1. Opinion of Hanabilah, Shafi’iyah, and Malikiyah Scholar: Qadha Fasting by Paying Fidyah

In contrast to the Hanafi Ulama, the opinion of Hambali, Shafi’i, and Maliki Scholar assumes that if the fasting debt has not been paid until the next Ramadan arrives, it must be included in paying a fine (kaffarah) in the form of fidyah or staple food to the poor. The amount of fidyah paid must be adjusted to the number of days he is not fasting. Where a day the magnitude is equivalent to 1 mud or 6 ounces.

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Fasting Niyyat (Intention) to Pay Ramadan Debt

To observe the Qadha Fast, we need to know how the fasting niyyat (intention) is to pay Ramadan debts. The niyyat of this intention makes the first step in paying off the debt of worship to Allah SWT.

The following is the Arabic of fasting niyyat (intention) to pay Ramadan debts

 نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ عَنْ قَضَاءِ فَرْضِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ لِلهِ تَعَالَى 

Latin Arabic readings: 

Nawaitu shauma ghadin ‘an qadhā’I fardhi syahri Ramadhāna lillaahi ta‘aalaa.


“I intend to fast for Ramadan tomorrow because of Allah SWT.”

The fasting niyyat (intention) to pay Ramadan debts (niat puasa bayar hutang Ramadan ) is recited at night before the next day to fast. Then, you can perform suhoor and fast just as you do during Ramadan. Suhoor is performed until before the dawn call to prayer begins.

Also Read: Ini Golongan Orang yang Boleh Bayar Fidyah untuk Mengganti Puasa Ramadan

Replacing Qadha Fasting with Fidyah

If you have too much-fasting debt due to uzur, such as pregnancy or prostitution during Ramadan, or people who are elderly and in a weak state, then according to the scholars, they are allowed to pay only fidyah and do not need to observe the Qadha fast. This opinion is based on a hadith that reads, “Pregnant and lactating women, if they fear their children, then they break their fast and feed a poor man.” (HR. Abu Dawud).

Friends can fulfill fidyah pay fasting debts easily, safely, and reliably through Dompet Dhuafa. Click the following link for more info.

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