Is it True that Sadaqah or Infaq with Haram Money Can Clear the ‘Sin’?

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If we think that money earned through haram means can be “cleaned up” by giving alms or charity, then we are mistaken. The religious law that commands humans to seek a livelihood that is thayyib, is certainly revealed not without reason. Physically, wealth or food that is thayyib will have a good impact on health. Inwardly, thayyib treasures will make humans clean their hearts and fulfill their desires. So, is it true that giving alms or infaq with haram money can cancel the sin of his actions?

Haram Treasure According to Islam

And let not some of you eat of the wealth of others among yourselves by unlawful means, and let not your property be brought before a judge, that you may eat of the wealth of others by way of sin, while you know.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 188)

The commentators say that the word “eat” in the above verse is a description of a general phenomenon. That is, the drive of most people in acquiring wealth is to fulfill their most basic need, which is food. Thus, the use of the word “eat” in the above verse is not to limit the prohibition of food alone. Rather, it is also forbidden to acquire wealth that has been obtained through improper means.

Read also: What is the Difference between Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah? This is the explanation

A person who acquires wealth by improper means, be it corruption, gambling, or stealing, it is forbidden to utilize the wealth for his life. The scholars also divide things that are forbidden into two categories. First, substance haram, such as pork, dog meat, carrion, blood, and the like. Second, legally forbidden. It could be that something is halal in substance, but the way it is obtained is not in accordance with Sharia. So, consuming it becomes haram as well. For example, stolen fruits, money from corruption, gambling, and others. Allah swt forbids both types of wealth.

Abu Mas’ud al-Ansari narrated that the Prophet forbade his people to accept payment for the sale of dogs, payment for adultery, and payment for shamanic practices (magic). (HR. Bukhari Muslim)

In addition to the previous Quranic verse, the hadith above can also be a basis for the prohibition of a property obtained by improper means.

The Ruling on Giving with Haram Money

Allah says: “O you who believe, spend (in the cause of Allah) some of what you have earned and some of what We bring forth from the earth for you. And choose not that which is bad, and spend of it, when you do not want to take it but by straining your eyes against it. And know that Allah is the Richest, the Most Praiseworthy.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 267)

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Verily, Allah does not accept prayers without purification and charity from the proceeds of corruption (gulul).” (HR. an-Nasa’i)

Based on the Qur’anic verse and the Prophet’s Hadith, it is clear that Allah does not accept sadaqah or infaq with illicit money, wealth obtained by improper means. Allah Swt will only accept charity or infaq of wealth that comes from halal sources.

Read also: The Law of Distributing Zakat to Family and Relatives

The Solution for Unlawfully Acquired Wealth

So, what is the solution for ill-gotten wealth, if it is not accepted as charity nor can it be consumed in the form of food? If a person acquires wealth by oppressing or taking the rights of others, then he must return it. For example, wealth acquired through stealing, pickpocketing, corruption, robbery, and the like.

The person is sinful for his actions, but on the other hand, he is obliged to return the wealth to the rightful person. On the other hand, if the wealth was obtained by oppressing others in general (not specifically), so that it is difficult to find the person, he can distribute the wealth obtained by wrongful means to the area of public benefit.

For example, he can use it to build roads, bridges or other public facilities. However, it is not permissible to distribute the ill-gotten wealth for the construction of a mosque.

Read also: Deliberately not paying zakat? This is the punishment you will get in this world and the hereafter

Giving charity with unlawful money, will it be rewarded?

If a person earns haraam money through his efforts, he is sinning by doing so. If he gives it away, he will not be rewarded for it. However, if the illicit wealth is given away because he does not want to eat illicit wealth and as a form of repentance, then he gets the reward only or for his good intentions.

This is different from someone who earns forbidden wealth not because of his own efforts, i.e. he earns it because of a regulation and an emergency need. For example, a person earns interest on his savings which he is unable to get away from. In fact, he saved not to get interest. The interest is still haram for him.

If the interest is given away, then the person will not be rewarded for this. He will only be rewarded for his pious intention to rid himself of the haraam wealth that came to him against his will. Wallahua’lam… (RQA)